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Quote by kitkat
It occurs to me, that us boys need a little corner where we can go and relax and be boys, have a boys chat, a good scratch, and do all that important boys stuff which gets frowned on in mixed company.
So here it is, a girlie free zone where we can relax and be boys.
Perhaps we could talk about the girls on the site, and say all those things we wouldn't dare say when they were looking, swap notes and things.
Go on then, who wants to be first up?? Not scared are you??
Club rules - Only one
Any message which is in the least way hurtful or deliberately insulting to any of the women in this forum will be removed immediately. I love them all dearly, and THIS IS JUST FOR FUN.
Official Opening Times
The GFZ will be open for business from around 1700 each Friday, until midnight on the following Sunday. Extensions will be frequent.

Links to previous GFZ weekends:
GFZ - Opening Weekend
GFZ - Graduation Weekend
GFZ - England win by 19 points
GFZ - DJohn: "OK Blue, do your worst!"
GFZ - Confessions of a Stag Night
GFZ - That Ralgex Moment
GFZ - 1320, Leather Kilts, and a VERY Shiny Red Helmet
GFZ - The Kate and Mel show
GFZ - Cartoon Fun
GFZ - Anything BUT Girlie Free rolleyes
GFZ - Sgt Bilko Captures the Record
GFZ - Will gets his 10 out, which turns out to be 7 really!
GFZ - Gretchen, Chocolate Sauce, and a VERY loaded Shotgun :eeek:
GFZ - Kate Calls Jag's bluff
GFZ - Sarge, Hughies and Ralphs
GFZ - Bedrock Bedlam
GFZ - Mr FC gives his missus one - and keeps one for himself
GFZ - Sarge Cleans Up
GFZ - Of Nipples, Munches and Two Men Mowing a Meadow
GFZ - Bluexxx hits 3000!
GFZ - The Red Mist Descends
GFZ - Manchester United 0 - Liverpool 1
GFZ - Kit Rules
GFZ - The Lost Boys GFZ.
GFZ - The shortest ever, only because the Lost boys got lost! :roll:
GFZ - Sarge Opens Up
GFZ – Easy gets locked in
GFZ - Masquerade Madness
Bollocks! first in with nothing in the least bit witty or clever to say! mad
Quote by KitKat
Bollocks! first in with nothing in the least bit witty or clever to say! mad

Wow, now there's a first :happy: One day we might even see you with nothing to say full stop :shock: ............. yeh right rotflmao
Bugger!! I haven't got anything witty or dazzling to say either :undecided: Budge up!
missy i am not well and need some TLC can i join u
Quote by MikeC
missy i am not well and need some TLC can i join u

you need TLC or TCP???? :shock: How not well are you hunny? confused
Tender Loving Care lol
I have been sick for last day or so, stomache cramps
not been in to work.
taking tablets with bloody bromide in --- grrrr
Bugger!! I haven't got anything witty or dazzling to say either :undecided: Budge up!
You dazzle with the splendour of your un-rivalled beauty and allure Missy. Your wit is in the soft seduction of your grace, and the proud carraige of your physique, which suffices to lighten the heart and the soul of all who gaze upon your countenance.
Quote by MikeC
taking tablets with bloody bromide in --- grrrr
ooo - slip a few in that pink bubbly stuff the girlies all drink Mike, we might get a night off!.
Quote by KitKat
Bugger!! I haven't got anything witty or dazzling to say either :undecided: Budge up!
You dazzle with the splendour of your un-rivalled beauty and allure Missy. Your wit is in the soft seduction of your grace, and the proud carraige of your physique, which suffices to lighten the heart and the soul of all who gaze upon your countenance.
Oh Kat rotflmao Honestly, if you could've seen my face just then reading that, just like this it was ~~~> :shock: ....... I've just trawled all through the members list to see if there are other, newer, sexy Missys joined up ................ and there isn't and I'm happy and I'm feelin alluring and witty and graceful and carriageing ( dunno ) and countenanced ( :dunno: again) and wanted.
God I love this false sense of security feeling - keep me there forever please passionkiss delude me always sillyassionkiss:
Quote by KitKat
taking tablets with bloody bromide in --- grrrr
ooo - slip a few in that pink bubbly stuff the girlies all drink Mike, we might get a night off!.
And crash, here comes down to earth rolleyes smackbottom
lol at missy,
your are bloody gorgeous hun,
i wished i wasnt taking bloody bromide.
Right move over wine and beer delivery,
Now is the jacuzzi on, turn up the bubbles, got cold and soaking wet by rain storm today, I needto soak the aches away...
shift over and let me in, thats nice and relaxing. What a life , champagne and bubbles......
Where has everyone gone...... :cry:
Quote by melons
shift over and let me in, thats nice and relaxing. What a life , champagne and bubbles......

Maybe it was the bubbles that did it, I mean bubbles in a jacuzzi that isn't switched on confused lol :lol:
Quote by KitKat
ooo - slip a few in that pink bubbly stuff the girlies all drink Mike, we might get a night off!.

Oooooh nooooo...............noooooo.......nooooooo Kat !! smackbottom I escaped that tipple the last time it came out. Shame on you ! :twisted:
Now where is that everso wanting to please Laird !! innocent
I could do with a light massage on my feet. Been on them all day and need some TLC on them. biggrin
right time for a party, :cheers: drinkies :evil2: :karaoke: :high-smile:
more wine please
Got a couple of bottles here Sarah lol
Quote by MrsFC
Now where is that everso wanting to please Laird !! innocent
I could do with a light massage on my feet. Been on them all day and need some TLC on them. biggrin

Did someone call my name?????????
Just got back from special operations overseas (dont tell the Sarge!!)
MrsFC give me your feet, the pleasure will be all mine
(and NO, I dont have a foot fetish RIGHT!!)
Ooooh that is soooooooo gooood :confused2:
You are making my toes curl Let me fill your glass Laird once you have finished with my feet. *sighs* ahhhhhh !!
Would it be a wee dram tonight ?
Dram would do nicely.
I have actually brought some Hobgoblin along to share with Tune........anyone seen him???
No tune not here confused er.....I don't mind Hobgoblin lol
Plenty to go around MrFC
Can I tempt you with a fine malt also? I brought some along for my mate Will who also doesn't seem to be around.
C'mon folks where is everyone......................??????
Malt as well lol (what a night this is gonna be) :lol:
MrFC gets two comfy chairs by the log fire :shock:
Right Laird break open the ales :lol:
Mr FC, don't get too comfy!
I'm in need of a massage too and my other half seems to be busy with your other half....
wanna swap? :twisted:
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Mr FC, don't get too comfy!
I'm in need of a massage too and my other half seems to be busy with your other half....
wanna swap? :twisted:

Ah go on then !! :lol2: Ooops got in there before the other half. rolleyes
Sounds fine with me Mrs FC biggrin
Any other hidden talents that Mr FC has besides his massaging techniques? cool
Ah go on then !! :lol2: Ooops got in there before the other half. rolleyes[/quote
Ere Mrs.....Go on then Fee lol I have to warn you though confused MrsFC said I should knead dough for a living (after giving her a massage) :lol:
Quote by MrFC
Ere Mrs.....Go on then Fee lol I have to warn you though confused MrsFC said I should knead dough for a living (after giving her a massage) :lol:

Thats ok....I can take it as hard as you can give it
Ermmmm.....did that come out right? redface
Thats ok....I can take it as hard as you can give it

:shock: :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
Go on then get yourself laid out on those two tables I've pushed together confused
goes looking for sensual oils..
Right found baby oil, sunflower oil, olive oil and found this in the shed :shock: bit old, let's see ...Castrol GTX :?
The choice is yours :lol:
What no sweet almond oil??
I was under the impression you'd be prepared......ok I'll have castrol GTX, and when you've finished could you manage to lube my engine?? wink