just curious if anybody else watched last nights tele and saw two programmes i believe where called haunted houses and worlds scariest ghosts
the haunted houses i found good(similiar to most haunted on living tv) but just wanted peoples opinions on the worlds scariest ghosts
this one in aprticulat i found to be stretching the imagination a little to far,i am not a sceptic having had several strange things happen to me but i did find this programme a tad hard to belive
so did any of you see it?
what was you overall opinions??
I saw these 2 progammes and i thought they were both full of crap.....in the haunted house one, i found it hard to believe because every time something happened in a room funnily enough there was no camera there, i'm not saying nothing at all was happening in that families house but it did seem a little bit dramatised to me.....as for the scariest ghost programme.....a little too far fetched for me.....good camera tricks i thought lol
admittedly both did have things that left a bit to the imagination lol i guess the main thing in the haunted house one was the room temp fluctuating about 20degrees in a matter of minutes
as for the scariest ghosts one the part that made me laugh the loudest was the young girl sat trying to do her homework.....now surely if your house was possessed by a poltergiest that moved the tables and chairs why on earth would you make your daughter sit there and do her homework when all this is going on??? surely this is only going to leave her truamatised????
everything is made more appealing for tv
they have to keep you intrested
i watched the first programme and really felt for the lady who was scared in her own home
been thair got the t-shirt
the psychic clearing the attic
to quick
and to easy
that was deffo a tv moment
but she eased the families fears so can only be a good thing