Checked the website today, 805 hits, but only 8 entries in the guestbook (thanks to those who used it :love, two of them are from me! Mars is really interested in what`s said in there, so give him something to read, please! I know, unadulterated self-promotion, but whatcha gonna do?! Venusxxx:
I came looked saw.. but was too much for my fragile little mind to take in and knew i'd end up posting something that sounded dumb. When I'm more awake I will return and astound you all with my wit
Oh wow! It was so worth putting this thread up! Thanks, Mars will be well chuffed , I am too. Gingsters, I remember, and a very nice PM it was too Venusxxx
Unknown User
I absolutely love your web page Venus,its probably the best ive seen on here. :shock: Very arty,unlike ours will look when its up and running in a few days You really are one sexy female,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :twisted: Steve,xxx