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How many dates does it take to become a "girlfriend"?

Okay, as I've mentioned, I'm currently dating someone. Now, I'm relatively new to this dating lark, so I'm still feeling my way. Today I'm pondering... how many dates does it take before someone becomes your "girlfriend" (or "boyfriend", depending on your preference)?
(Hmmm... I posted this, went back to edit it, and after that the poll had vanished. Clicked EDIT again, added the poll again, but then the poll re-appeared with every option listed twice! So I deleted the topic and started again.)
Grief - what a mashed banana Roger!!!
I don't think it's a number - it's a feeling! You can go out with someone for aaaaaaaages and they are still not your 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend' until you both have some recognition of that fact in your head - i.e. a mental state of being as opposed to a physical state.
It's only a label - and a label only works if you can 'read' it, 'recognise it' and 'understand it'.
biggrin :D
I ponder on what constitutes a girlfriend?
It changes depending on your age? If you are under 14 then she is YOURS from the first holding of hands? Older it becomes difficult? In essensce they are all girlfriends BUT is it the fact they are allowing you to have sex that your title is live? A difficult question to answer really???
I have LOADS of girlfriends much like I have lots of boyfriends...the difference is how you perceive the title to my interpretation?
Ooooooohhhhhhhh, dunno.... I suppose once you find her moving her things into your house, she's officially your girlfriend lol
Quote by Jags
Grief - what a mashed banana Roger!!!

It's better if you don't peel them first, Jags. :shock:
You're both right; it is just a label. I was just curious what people thought.
If your at the 'feeling your way' stage Roger then I guess she's at the stage to claim half your stuff wink
Not wishing top steal Roger's thunder, but I've got a little dilemma like that...
Suppose you meet up with someone via this forum. Then, you realise you get on very well and decide to 'team up' for parties, etc...
But then you end up spending almost every weekend with them, you email each other several times a day and phone chat at least once - and sometimes twice or three times a day. Then you realise you hardly WANT to see other folks as you're having so much fun with your new 'partner' that you don't actually need anyone else around...
If this happens, are you a real BF/GF couple as opposed to a swinging partnership?
Hxx confused
Oh yes Heather... definitely a 'yes' situation!!
biggrin :D
Quote by Heather
Not wishing top steal Roger's thunder, but I've got a little dilemma like that...
Suppose you meet up with someone via this forum. Then, you realise you get on very well and decide to 'team up' for parties, etc...
But then you end up spending almost every weekend with them, you email each other several times a day and phone chat at least once - and sometimes twice or three times a day. Then you realise you hardly WANT to see other folks as you're having so much fun with your new 'partner' that you don't actually need anyone else around...
If this happens, are you a real BF/GF couple as opposed to a swinging partnership?
Hxx confused

Are you referring to yourself here Heather or somebody else that you know ?
Well, yes, I was meaning me, Tonguey... but I'm not saying who the gentleman in question is. redface
Why? You didn't think I meant you, did you, Dear? biggrin
Quote by Heather
Well, yes, I was meaning me, Tonguey... but I'm not saying who the gentleman in question is. redface

like we cant guess!!! rolleyes
Quote by Heather
Why? You didn't think I meant you, did you, Dear? biggrin

The thought had crossed my mind Heather,we were accused of being besotted with each other last night lol
Quote by the_tongue
Why? You didn't think I meant you, did you, Dear? biggrin

The thought had crossed my mind Heather,we were accused of being besotted with each other last night lol
actually.. i think the word used was smitten! confused
Quote by well_busty_babe
Why? You didn't think I meant you, did you, Dear? biggrin

The thought had crossed my mind Heather,we were accused of being besotted with each other last night lol
actually.. i think the word used was smitten! confused
I think you were smitten and i was besotted :lol:
I'd have laid money on the fact you're BOTH smitten and besoted after seeing you at Funins... :twisted: :twisted:
But what does my 'partner' think... he's always notible by his absence from this forum. I am still undecided.. rolleyes
And poor Roger, we've totally hijacked him.
Soz, Roger.... redface
Quote by Heather
I'd have laid money on the fact you're BOTH smitten and besoted after seeing you at Funins... :twisted: :twisted:
But what does my 'partner' think... he's always notible by his absence from this forum. I am still undecided.. rolleyes
And poor Roger, we've totally hijacked him.
Soz, Roger.... redface

personally.. i think of the two of you as a "cpl".. partly from the way you both speak as "we" rather than me and him... or me and her (belive me.. he does it too).
i have had messages from your "partner" where he has come across to me as being quite wrapped up in you.... us girls have a way of seeing things that are not actually said!!!!!!
trust me on this one... u two are together! lol
ohh... and my appologies to woger too x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
I got that impression as well Marge
I bet he'd deny it if I outright asked, but I have to admit to be smitten myself too! biggrin :smitten: redface
But I think we're save as he rarely reads this board anyway... rolleyes
Quote by Heather
I bet he'd deny it if I outright asked, but I have to admit to be smitten myself too! biggrin :smitten: redface
But I think we're save as he rarely reads this board anyway... rolleyes

Heather , Aaaahh , isn't that nice .
And Roger , you will know when it happens , trust me .
Quote by Heather
And poor Roger, we've totally hijacked him.
Soz, Roger.... redface

You can hijack me any time you like... :twisted:
Quote by plumber
If your at the 'feeling your way' stage Roger then I guess she's at the stage to claim half your stuff wink

Well she is making a list of the ways she wants to change me... :shock:
Quote by Heather
I bet he'd deny it if I outright asked, but I have to admit to be smitten myself too! biggrin :smitten: redface
But I think we're save as he rarely reads this board anyway... rolleyes

have no fear hun... i will send him the link to the topic! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
From The-Kent-Host, also known as Outdoorfun when it seems a good idea.....
I don't get in to the forum much (more so since teaming up with the lady who posted lots above this message) and it is very interesting to be so fully discussed. Heather, hun, you
For those looking in and wondering (i.e. have nowt better to do)::::::::::::
Heather and I have been going together to events and the like for a month or so now. And we have heaps of fun in a one-to-one situation. And as she says we seem to talk on the phone a lot and if we have time to spare we like to spend it together, accompanied by a variety of others if we're in the mood (not unusual,that). I leave it to you to judge whether the BF/GF initials apply. WBB seems to have figured it out.
We will be at Marcuso's motel naughtiness next weekend. Given that we'll not have been together for a week or so by then, we'll be the couple shagging like crazy in a corner somewhere - but we'll be happy to say hello to y'all.
Hugs and flowers and kisses and several rude thoughts to Heather
(ps - did all of you know that Mods have a life outside of keeping this forum thing honest ???)
The Kent Host
Quote by outdoorfun
(ps - did all of you know that Mods have a life outside of keeping this forum thing honest ???)
The Kent Host

It wasn't in MY job description!! Perhaps it's only applicable darn sarf and we have to keep busy in the Swinging capital of Britain!! lol
PS - good on ya, Tel!!
redface surprisedops: :oops:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
kiss for Hosty.
Thanks for the comment, Mal
Us humble non-mods are totally aware that the mod job description is about as loose as the host's nuts after a long session .........but we are aware that modding:
1. is thoroughly laudable
2. not be undertaken lightly
3. a fine and decent service to all the randy sods who have gravitated to this den of iniquity
And if that doesn't get me a pint or two, I give up
terry/the kent host/outdoorfun
Quote by Heather
But then you end up spending almost every weekend with them, you email each other several times a day and phone chat at least once - and sometimes twice or three times a day. Then you realise you hardly WANT to see other folks as you're having so much fun with your new 'partner' that you don't actually need anyone else around...
If this happens, are you a real BF/GF couple as opposed to a swinging partnership?
Hxx confused

Heather i'm glad to see that someone else is in the same position as me redface biggrin
Quote by bluexxx
Ooooooohhhhhhhh, dunno.... I suppose once you find her moving her things into your house, she's officially your girlfriend lol

Does this include her wine,that she "inadvertantly"left in your that you have to meet up again to return it cos you are a gent.
Quote by roger743
Okay, as I've mentioned, I'm currently dating someone. Now, I'm relatively new to this dating lark, so I'm still feeling my way. Today I'm pondering... how many dates does it take before someone becomes your "girlfriend" (or "boyfriend", depending on your preference)?

When you both feel it (and say it) together. No good if one of is going out with a B/F...G/F and the other says he/she is just one of the guys/gals I'm going out with. (Was that politically correct everybody??)
Quote by Heather
If this happens, are you a real BF/GF couple as opposed to a swinging partnership?
Hxx confused

Can't you be both - be luvverly that!
Quote by bluexxx
Ooooooohhhhhhhh, dunno.... I suppose once you find her moving her things into your house, she's officially your girlfriend lol

I left my dressing gown at Hosty's once... no, twice... then I left my basque on his bedroom floor... and my shower gel is STILL in his bathroom. redface surprisedops: :oops:
I suppose I'm just forgetful! rolleyes