2 patches, thats all you need. One on each eye, and you wont be able to find your fags.
Will power, thats the trick.
You hear of people who say," i've got great will power me!"
Tell you what though, for will power, you wont beat the guy who was up for the electric chair and when asked what he would like for his last meal replied "anything from weight watchers!"
I went to one of those stop smoking groups that are advertised on the tv you can go into either a group or one to one session once a week for about six show you the different methods available then write a prescription for whichever treatment you opt for weather it be N.R.T.(Nicotine Replacement Therapy) gum, patches and lozenges or the alternate ones such as prescriptions are for a number of weeks supply all for the cost of one prescription. Problaly the key to stopping is you really must want to stop the various treatments will help you but will never take away those times when you think you need a fag they will always be there though it does get a lot easier as time goes by.
I have contracted asthma from other people's second hand smoke. Think of that.
Seriously speaking, as opposed to the joke of it all, do give up. If for no other reason than you don't want to die in agony, on a respirator in hospital. Both my parents die of chronic lung obstruction, caused by smoking. My Mom when I was 14, my dad last year when I was 21. I don't think I really need any more motivation to not smoke than that.
When i posted this thread oo saturday morning, i wasn't sure of the response (if any) i would get from it. I'm sat here now on sunday afternoon truly overwhelmed by the advice, support, and personal stories you've all given. To just say "thank you" for helping me to change and improve my life doesn't really seem adequate. To all the people who have offered advice, i have written it down and will follow it, to all the people who have posted experience of illness and loss caused by smoking i offer my sympathy. My resolve to kick the habit has only increased with all the replies i've recieved, and i hope that any fellow forum-ers also considering giving up have read the thread and its replies and that they will be helped by it too. A sincere and heartfelt "thank you" to all who have responded. Solid gold, the lot of you!!!!
Just an extra note on giving up. As I have previously mentioned, I smoked 30 to 35 cigs a day, then stopped within a day. From 35 to zero fags a day is a big shock to the body chemistry. It may not be immediatly apparent but quiting smoking so abbruptly can cause stomach/gastric problems.
For me, it gave me IBS type symptoms and a lot of pain and discomfort (as well as some other strange effects in the lower abdomen, such as going off sex for a while :shock: )
The doctors/consultants insisted on treating me for Acid Reflux, which I did not have.
Their reasoning being, that the cells in the stomach that turn on the "acid" are also turned on by nicotine. So, if you give up abruptly, they can go a little haywire.
I have spoken to a number of "fellow sufferers" who have experienced similar gastric problems.
I still suffer now, over two years after giving up. Thankfully, the discomfort is getting more bareable.
Now, I am not saying not to give up smoking, just be aware if you are a heavy smoker and give up abruptly.
I gave up two years ago - yes, I can remember that date and not when I lost my virginity too! I think it was just the right time for me...but took every bit of willpower I had. Sipping water when I had a craving helped a bit.
The important thing for me is how good I feel not smoking (and that's what stops me starting again, even when the urge is desperate) - I feel so good, cleaner, healthier and I've given myself permission to be the best I can in lots of ways. That's a feeling worth holding on to.
Good luck mate!
Lou x
:arrow: If you are in any STRESSED atmosphere or are STRESSED (which is prob the reason why you smoke) you will need to de-stress yourself which is quite hard in the world we live in. My advice is insignificant because whatever anyone says smokers do not listen (i am one) A shock tactic is to visualise yourself in the not so distant future with throat cancer, i know it's bad my father had it. A lot of will power is required from YOU.
Good luck
As mentioned, there is a physical reaction to quitting smoking. You can get help from a nutritionist, or a homeopath, or just go to a really good vitamin shop ( a proper health food place) and they can advise you.
This can help with acid, headaches, cravings, abject misery, grumpiness, the need to jump off the highest building......
The good bit is the lungs are one of the organs which can heal and repair themselves (unless you get a chronic lung disease like athsma).
A way to keep yourself from starting again, is remember that every time you quit, the cells rush to renew, and if you start and stop and start and stop, then every time they'll try to renew faster and faster. One theory is that rapid renewal caused by the bodies panic to repair, can turn into a tumour or cancer. So quit and stay quit!!!
Good luck. Once you do it, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.
Bloody Good Luck,weve tried to lately and cocked it up BIG time.