its normally simple things
the sound of a blackbird
coming back over the moors with the sun blazing and loud music playing, the feeling of freedom is fantastic
seeing my family happy and healthy
listening to my budgie sitting and telling himself how gorgeous he is, or how he makes me laugh when he is in a radge and takes it out on everything in his cage
there's lots of things
oddly enough for me it's the feeling of rain on my face!
It reminds me of walking out of hospital after being wired to an ECG for a week "thinking that was the end of it", and as I walked "free" it started to rain. It felt good.
If that makes sense
I love spring. All the new life around me and the feeling of hope for the future.
The sun on my face, my daughter at her best and my happiest memories remind me to be grateful that life is actually not so bad.
Knowing that im loved by my partner, my kids are all happy and healthy, my dog is doing ok, my parents are well. Apart from that, its great to not have horrible letters dropping thru the letter box every morning (bills), nice to have food in the house and my garden is coming on a treat!
Oh yeah and great to have some good friends i know i can trust and rely on...
Suze xx