Why, when you take the trouble to reply to ads, do people not bother to get back even if its to say thanks but no thanks. Have we become a nation of rude people?
I like to think that most of the people who use this site are genuine individuals (or couples), perhaps I'm being a bit naieve in my view. Perhaps in reality most of the people on here are email address/pic hunters.
Does anybody ever reply?
Mike :cry:
GRIEF - did all the members wake up grumpy today??? This is the umpteenth thread which has moaning men in it ...
Form an orderly queue please!!! I've got a heft wallop, not the same as a pint of Wallop but more fun. :P
x xx
I'm a black belt, so I wouldn't want me to slap me - whingers be warned :twisted:
Me wear stockings, you must be joking - I'll leave that to you boys, you look so much better in them than I do :twisted:
I honestly didn't read this before i posted in the meets section...honest....
unless you are promising a spanking....in which case I did :-)