It only happens with me occassionally after a long session, and in a certain position.
It happens babe...............but I didnt know I could until I met my new
Now I've started... I dont wanna stop !!
It doesn't feel like peeing at all........... its from a totally different place.......... deep inside
It doesn't happen everytime........ and to be honest... I dont think I would want it too !
Make sure you have been to the loo first... remember when you were a kid and you knew you were off on a long journey, so you sat on the loo and strained so you knew you were empty? Do that!
Then, when you get that feeling during sex.. you know you're not gonna pee, so you can follow it through and see what happens.
yeah i know the feelin its like you really need a wee and when it gets to that point i get a feelin in my stomach and i want my bf to stop but dont its hard to explain. My current bf is the only one that has ever done that for me.
I'm sure it's something to do with anterior vaginal wall, because isn't that where the female G-spot is?
Occasionally during masturbation I think I can feel almost a flood (LOL) like sensation coming from deep inside ... am I getting near??
I can make the female of a couple I see gush where her male partner can't I've tried teaching him, but he still can’t manage it, he always seems to stop just before she cums and then I have to sort her out poor thing.
hey with a name like butters the fem you are seeing to must be called................. marge
Female ejaculate comes from the opening of the urethra. It is a gland on either side of the opening called the para-urethral gland. Technically it isn't pee, but it comes from the same hole, kinda like piss and spunk
Does that clear things up?
Thinks that's possibly just a teeeensy weeensy bit too medical detail for my taste!
Its also known as the Skene's gland, a female prostate. Para urethral simply means, "near the urethra" So if we have to have things inserted into our backsides to stimulate our prostate, what should we be doing to stimulate the girls "prostate"
I can imagine slapped faces and howling screams.
There is actually a women, so iv'e been told who is capable of having intercourse in her urethra, im gonna have a look for a picture
As long as it's not from my bladder, I don't give a flying fuck where it comes from :mrgreen: