where do I start? Studied at uni for four years for my profession. Got a part time job at the hospital which I really love but my contract runs out at the end of June. As the NHS is in such a mess, they have no more funding to renew my contract.
My second job, working with people coming off drugs &/or alcohol, is very rewarding.
I went in today with a smile on my face, the sun shining & looking forward to helping my clients reslove their problems. At 6 o lclock I got called in to the office & was told that the service no longer had the funding for what I do so they are cancelling my contract from like yesturday! :upset: I have to wind down my client work as soon as possible & refer other clients on to different services. I AM GUTTED.
Not just for me coz I'm gonna be out of two jobs now but for those vulnerable clients I have been seeing.
FFS we're in the 2000's now, we shouldn't have to scrimp about trying to get funding to help people who are more misfortunate than ourselves.
GOVERNMENT get your arses into gear & do something about this.
I might get another job then as well
sorry for the moan but I am truelly p***ed off