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Gon on .. take the test ..........

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49 replies
2 watchers
Here is the result of your Male Purity Test.
You answered "yes" to 53 of 100 questions, making you 47.0% sexually pure (53.0% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 47.0% pure in the sex domain.
Gosh! And I thought I was really kinky! :uhoh:
Sex God
Quote by Reese
Have you ever tried Morris dancing?? neutral

I've never tried anyone dancing.
Who TF is Morris anyway? biggrin
Quote by Mark
Quite what he was up to teaching us Morris Dancing while he should have been learning us to speak right I don't know! :shock: ;)

`Learning to speak right` sounds clumsy. It`s `learning to speak correctly`. :jagsatwork:
I know ALL about Morris Dancers........I watched that Doctor Who episode :uhoh:
Don't you mean "teaching us to speak properly."
I don't know, some people, just don't know what's what.
PS I think that was his point, that was a bit of Mark irony. It's ok Mark, I got it...
Then he should have said, `towt us to tawk propalike` cos I haven`t had any coffee yet!
Quote by
Here is the result of your Male Purity Test.
You answered "yes" to 57 of 100 questions, making you 43.0% sexually pure (57.0% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 43.0% pure in the sex domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 38%, based on a comparison of your test results with 247258 other submissions for this test.

The average purity for this test is 56.3%.
Looks like the world is (or at least the men in it are) getting less corrupt since the beginning of this thread as the average purity has gone up from 55% to 56.3%
Sex God
I did the bisexual one and I'm 81% corrupt.... I must try harder next time rolleyes
Sex God
You answered "yes" to 83 of 100 questions, making you 17.0% bisexual greediness pure (83.0% bisexual greediness corrupt); that is, you are 17.0% pure in the greedy bisexual domain.
I just class myself as having a healthy sexual appetite hehe redface
I'm 46% sexually pure and 54% sexually corrupt
Molly xx
Here is the result of your Greedy Bisexual Test Purity Test.
You answered "yes" to 66 of 100 questions, making you 34.0% bisexual greediness pure (66.0% bisexual greediness corrupt); that is, you are 34.0% pure in the greedy bisexual domain.
Here is the result of your Female Purity Test.
You answered "yes" to 83 of 100 questions, making you 17.0% sexually pure (83.0% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 17.0% pure in the sex domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 43%, based on a comparison of your test results with 365425 other submissions for this test.
:shock: No comment rolleyes
Sex God
I feel so innocent. 54% pure, 46% corrupt. And only 34% weird.
With this group, the 400 question version might be more appropriate: It's been a while since I did this test, and my purity has dropped a lot. It's still not very impressive: 63.3% pure, 36.7% impure.
The definition of burlesque that seems most appropriate here is "A variety show characterized by broad ribald comedy, dancing, and striptease". According to the 400 point test, Rocky Horror counts.
Also another place to look at for Fun tests is they have hundreds of fun, weird and downright pointless tests!
Warming the Bed
nothing fantastic!
I am 62 % sexually corrupt and 38% sexually pure!!!
That will probably all change after our SH meeting this Saturday!!! :evil2:
Warming the Bed
i got 44%
am i good guy then ?
Erm, make that 82%, not 80. I forgot the strip show I played a huge part in redface . Woman`s only night, my god we can be animals!!! :shock: