Its all a taste thing really (I don't like Angels and Demons for instance.)
But I really like:
Post Office by Charles Bukowski
We need to talk about Kevin by lionel Shriver
The Famous Waltzer (cant remember the autor)
Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse
For a light hearted read the five peopl eYou meet in heaven is quite good.
I also found Karen Armstrongs History of God eye openinmg if a little heavy going for a summers day
I am half way through the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
I have to say, one of the most enthralling series I have read in a long long time. Just goes to show that Mr King is not all about terror.
The books have a web link here:
Hawksmoor: peter ackroyd
>i'll mention that one wherever I can<
just finished Cell: stephen king
Genome: >damn! forgot the author, a bitof popular science always goes down well<
And the Ass Saw the Angle: Nick Cave.. very good!
...gotta get another copy of that.
Wasp Factory: Ian Banks
>most Banks, Ian, or Ian M...good for a look<
ooo...loads of stuff!
Has to be 'Birdsong' by Sebastien Faulks, about soldiers during World War one and the aftermath, fantastic
Stop Smoking; allen carr
I wwill read it eventually.... I WILL!
I know! gutted, my cars knackered and its all gone pear shaped!
tell you what, on the history-front...
anyone who knows/lives/loves London...
Im going to go back to peter ackroyd again...
His; London: a Biography is brilliant...
a really involving, absorbing read!
Ok .. best book I've read recently is
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (bit of an Epic and slow to start but brilliant nonetheless)
closely followed by
The Righteous Men by Sam Bourne (much better than Dan Brown)
Honeymoon by James Patterson
Brand New Friend by Mike Gayle
The Geographers Library by Jon Fasman (just didn't grab my attention enough, it's a good read but extremely long going)
Currently reading
Eragon by Christopher Paolini
Read a book by Mike Gayle think it was called something like my perfect girlfriend and did quite enjoy it, despite it not being my usual cup of tea so migt give that one a try Calista, tahnks
you might want to try..the innocent by Harlen Coben
or any of his books as it gooe...similar to jeffrey deaver in style plenty of twists and turns
bloody hell borin meself now...but they are good read
I read Angelas ashes whilst on holiday at christmas & loved it.
Before that it was the absolutely brilliant, moving Billy by Pamela Stephenson.
Before that was The Hitchikers Guide books- I love Douglas Adams but have run out of his books!
Most recently was the His Dark Materials trilogy. They may be aimed at youngsters but I loved them!
If anyone can recommend anything that might keep me occupied for the 3 week camp fest we have planned......feel free!
Going on this thread I think I may try some Terry Pratchett.