OK - mixture of both right?
I put myself between :smile2: & :taz:
,,,,,,,sort of Mel Gibson (i wish!!) Lethal Weapon ( :eeek: weapn gedditt!! lol) character
I'm good underneath, but love to go a little crazy & I do have the cuffs!!!
Off to work now to catch a few bad guys/gals!!
Let's be careful out there!!
Just be yourself. Any act you try to put on will fail eventually and you will end up looking like a moron. The way to be successful is not to put on an act (well, not an obvious one anyway) but to let people know the real you. That is of course assuming that the real you is worth knowing? Sorry to be a bit abrupt, but there are no easy tricks to swinging, even on the Internet. It's pretty much like real life - people will evaluate you on YOU!
That's it really.
I like a man who yes wants sex, but does not make it so obvious that his cock is tumbling out of his trousers.
I like good cop, but also with a streak of bad. The bad comes out in sex... The good the rest of the time.
as some rather crap comedians once said:
we know a song about that don't we
Oh, Hitler had Eva Braun,
Manson had Squeaky Frawn,
Ted Bundy got lots of dates,
I wonder what I'm doing wrong.
I don't pretend to understand women's little quirks
Just one thing I know for sure:
Well, if I meet one more single mom
Whose true love is up and gone
Tells me on her trailer porch 'Bout that man Still carries a torch,
Sure, he came home drunk each night
Beat the kids and her in a fight,
But, man oh man, she loves him so,
It's so hard to let him go,
Well, I don't pretend to understand women's little quirks,
Just one thing I know for sure