What's this NWC, you been holding out on me? Anyway GOOD LUCK, you are a clever girl so know you will pass....................
Planemike xx
good luck
all the breast
:P :P
I dunno what your exams are for, but I know they are horrible high-pressure things to be done, so
Good Luck !
Oh yeah, and stop wasting your time on here - go and get some revising done !
Drive home. Call here on your way. We can accommodate you. :twisted:
best of luck,
Stay calm and RTFQ
(read the full question !)
Get outta here and get revising!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'd just like to say Good Luck To my darling wife for tomorrow when I'll be thinking of you while you are taking your job i've taken the day off to take you there otherwise you would be a nervous think of last saturday night/sunday morning and what happened on our way home after the NW munch so that when you've passed we can have a repeat of the night. Think of me waiting for after you've taken your exam and remember whatever happends I LOVE YOU anyway.
Mr Naughty Wigan Couple
Brian xxxxx