Fruitlessly trawling the ads :lol2:
I've just had breakfast and now I'm about to make a large cafetiere of N'awlins coffee and attack the mountain of paperwork I have.
Enjoy your walk Corrie... it's chucking it down here!
I'm working until 11 then I have to go food shopping and also buy 3 pairs of school shoes. Well that'll be £200 down the pan :violin:
Had a beautiful love making session with Worlass..... my back still stinging and marked from being beaten last night by my Master.
Worlass and I are off to the cinema for a double film day. On the way we will be getting brunch somewhere and a bit of shopping.
When we return we will be having family night which consists of 'Glee', Pizza with loads of salad and then board games which worlass will get all competitive about. Splendid Junior will demonstrate his intelligence, again....
yup a brilliant day lined up.
we are taking youngest shopping to chose a birthday present, not sure whether or not it will be stressful, depends if they dont agree with our money limits !!
later we will cook dinner for older children and then me and gary will watch the end of the dvd we were watching in bed this morning, il be completly confused by it cus i slept thru most of it lol
Had a nice lie in, sorted a few bits out for the band I'm now involved with and off for a 5 mile walk with a mate this afternoon.
It's a good day :cool:
this morning i had fab sunday morning sex as we had no kids! then we had a nice hot shower and a lazy day...where hubby is now slaving over a hot stove creating a nice fine sunday roast. Oh i love my life at times lol
Wahaaay, if there's one thing more tempting than the P word, it's the R word! I'll bring some more Vin Rouge...oh, and some chocolate :rascal: