well think this is the first post of the day so we both just wnated to say GOOD MORNING and hope every1 has a great day and is getting ready for loads of fun at the wend!!
no we cant wait till sat eve going to infusions 1yr opening foam party lol
well time 4 work now but love to u all xxxx
Good morning another bright day
Ran out of poetry and could think of nothing else.
So had to be polite.
Don't you think there's enough nuts in here as it is ? :dry:
morning ebveryone, not been on for a while. Just off to say my final goodbyes at work as its my last day. How is everyone?
well great to hear from u all u made r day but GOOD MORNING LOL
Morning everyone, youre all up very early for a Saturday! Have you all got work? Im in Germany by the way so im an hour in front
And guten morgan to you. Don't ask me anything in German cause thats about my limit. I know what you mean about your body clock gettiing you up when all you want to do is sleep. Im the same, once im awake i'll lie there for half an hour to try and fall back asleep but it doesn't work so i just end up on here
tell u what sassy if u come on over we will look after all ur needs n wants hehe cook u brekfast, give u a nice srub down in the bath then really let u unwind hehe