A spur from the 'turn offs' thread.
What smells do you HATE - I mean loathe, makes you leave the room, want to puke etc. (We can take rotting flesh and excrement as read I suppose.)
And which would you cross the street, leave your lover, sell your kids to smell?
For me one of the worst is yeserday's beer/whiskey on a person - especially the alcy kind that seems to be oozing out of the person's pores.
The best? Oh, so many. But a total favourite is that old-fashined baker's smell. A mixture of warm bread, sweet icing and a hint of cinnamon. So evocative of my childhood - gawd, it sounds like I remember WWII!
Really stale sweat, marmite/vegemite and coffee
Petrol, just love the smell of it, drives me wild.
Fish tank/pond filters :sad: Although I cant avoid that if I want my fishes to live
The yesterday's beer smell grows on you after years of working in a pub, kinda get desensitised if you start at 10am every day
My best the freshly baked/cooked smell and some aftershaves :rascal: oh and sometimes just man smell
bad smells
Baked beans
Ham that is being boiled
soup that has been left in the microwave at work for 2 weeks...grrrrrr
"that Tuna smell2
Good smells
Motorbike exhaust
ladies body they have applied the coco butter moisteriser stuff
Large Mocha with cream and flake
Love the smell of Creosote - always have since earliest memories, I have to be careful and not get carried away ending up with splinters in my nose
Channel 5 and Coco Channel perfume.
Yorkshire moorland in spring after a shower
Nasty smells are - any of the obvious body ones.
Muck speading on farms
English Mustard
Favourite smells
Tractor vapourising oil (tractor fuel 50s-70s) on a hot day when mowing hay.
Evening garden bonfire.
Woodworking shop
Baby smells (Mrs Smooth2)
Roast dinner.
Hated smells
Living downwind of a local knackers yard in the 60s.
Some wards in old hospitals
That gone-off cabbage in the veg rack.
Wet dogs
Something 'caught' in the saucepan on the cooker.
the smell of a man mixed with a little nice aftershave
The ocean
that ozoney smell after rain
Bad BO
beef burgers cooking
Lynx Africa
men smelling of fags gross
My own farts
Everyone elses farts
Bad-Boiled sheeps head. My father did one while I was entertaining a girlfriend in the kitchen as a teen. The lady was not impressed.
Good-Women. I cannot begin to describe how important the smell of a lover is to me.
Absolvely love the smell of dannes perfume and body spray it will always remind me of us meeting and falling for each other :-). Oh and the smell of a very aroused dannes puss :-).
Hate the fish and meat stalls at our local market. Awful.
Freshly mown grass
..bread baking
..coffee brewing
..my oriental lillies in the evening
..the sea
..the earthy smell before a storm
Any chemical concoction people call perfume/after shave/ air freshener. Eww.
Vomit. Double eww.
The smell of burning animal carcasses that surrounded us during foot & mouth.
Good but odd. One of my favourite smells, and the closest I can describe it as is kindalike bitumen, is the tarry stuff they use to seal between deck boards on wooden ships. Reminds me of making love on deck late at night...
The smells i hate
Boiled/poached eggs,
Pipe tabacco smoke,
When someone farts in a works van on a cold winters nights (works van with four blokes in it waiting to sstart a nights work )
The smells i like
The smell of freshly cut grass.
The smell of a freshly ground coffee first thing in the morning.
And the one of the best smell you can ever smell
The full english breakfast (with the smokey bacon of course)..
Vinegar on hot chips(especially at the seaside)
Expensive subtle perfume on a passing woman ( just a waft)
Cut grass (cliched but true)
Wet pussy (most of em anyway)
Nail Varnish remover
and my personal favourite - as a dog lover - if you sniff just behind the back of your dogs ear, no matter how old they get, you will always smell the wonderful smell of "new puppy !!!!!"
Fresh clean sheets on a bed
That summer sun, sand and sunlotion smell of holidays that lingers in the suitcase
"hope & glory" body lotion mmmmmm
Canned dog or cat food (barf)
The sea food factory by the harbour on a hot day
Animal poo!! (but I can clear up most human fluids etc!!)
Bad breath of any discription!!
Wench x