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Grrrrr! I hate to do this but my other post has been locked!
I'm leaving the site :!:
I'm a mod on another forum (nursing one) and understand that mods have to delete/lock offensive posts, move posts around if they are posted in the incorrect section but I thought this was "the cafe" i.e a place where you can chat with your friends about anything within reason. (obviously not)
I've just tried to post on my other thread and it's been locked. I haven't even had the opportunity to reply sad
I just wanted to know why my thread had been locked.
:arrow: my thread was to do with swinging as I knew him off the site
:arrow: i'm assuming it wasn't pointless as I had 4 emails and 7 pm's in support
:arrow: my post wasn't offensive and didn't list the member ( i doubt he'll be back on now anyway)
I was just so exasperated when this guys wife rang me that I wanted to let of some steam and get some support from my friends off here. It's not as if I can talk to my everyday friends about what happened cos they don't know!
I've really enjoyed the site but I'm so hacked off that i'm leaving. :cry:
Thanks to everyone who PM'd and emailed me in support.
May I suggest that you might need to expand the forum and include a time out section maybe? And if posts arn't offensive that you jsut let them drop down the pages?
Poppy x
The best swinging site there is and you want to leave cos you had a thread locked?
Come on, worse things happen at sea!!
Life ain't fair.
And one locked thread does not a huge crisis make!
I locked the thread because there were 4 of them covering the same subject. I also posted in the thread to explain why I had locked it and posted a link to the one that was left open.
What more do you want???????? mad :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
Me thinks poppy might have exam stress rolleyes
well personlly i think you can't progress to becoming a regualr untill you have had at least one thread locked!....
i tried my hardest for months to and still no joy.. you should be honoured! lol
Yes there is an art form to getting a thread locked, either you have it or you dont. :P
Or in my case I find I've started a thread without even knowing it lol :lol: :lol:
Having a locked thread happens, get over it and get on to the next discussion and have fun
i kind of understand where you're coming from but it's hardly worth a flounce. Though, some have flounced for less .... redface
I sympathise, its bloody frustrating, mods seem to enjoy the small power they have, and i understand how it can piss people off. If you are behaving in an obviously aggressive or negative way, fair enough, otherwise stay out of it and let it be.
Maybe moderate with moderation, rather than bunging locks left right and centre..
I think we could go into overkill on this .. and I have already contributed in another thread on this self-same topic.
I still think that "deletion without explanation" is extremely rude and people feel affronted by it. I have been give a private explanation as to why my thread was locked and am partly content with the answer.
When we join up with a site like this, yes, we do agree to the terms and conditions. But do we sign up to authority without question? Is that what we do when we vote? Don't people's opinions and feelings matter?
We are on a site that promotes and values liberty and freedom in our sexual expression. Shouldn't this also follow through into freedom of speech?
Just to consider.
Sorry for my ignorance oh great leader worship ..but wtf is a pablum??
Minx xx
Erm ????
"" Pabulum"" == mental food = in other words what we are Fed on lol
ie == "kept in the dark and fed on shit" comes as one saying
Sorry Mark re spelling lol
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Sorry for my ignorance oh great leader worship ..but wtf is a pablum??
Minx xx

pablum PAB-luhm, noun:
Something (as writing or speech) that is trite, insipid, or simplistic.
I wonder what to Google means... ;-)
Quote by WibblyWobbly
Sorry for my ignorance oh great leader worship ..but wtf is a pablum??
Minx xx

pablum PAB-luhm, noun:
Something (as writing or speech) that is trite, insipid, or simplistic.
I wonder what to Google means... ;-)
rolleyes Yes I know I could have done that but I wanted some interaction from our famous leader :P
But ty anyways wibbly wobbly and medic1 xxxxx
Minx xx
Do not know if Poppy is still about or not, you beat me to it was going to do that myself,
I thought want a load of bullys the mods were being,
but I think they have a hard job and the site is very good,
oh yes I am a mod on a other site but the site I help out has a lot of traffic but not the idots that seem on doing silly posts,
I wish at the bottom of the page you could go to page say 300 and have a look at some of the threads but at the moment I go to page 6 then it one at a time,
but I can see in there when I look there is a lot of repeat threads some are locked some are not,
it just seems to me that you do need to run this site the way you are,
it is has a lot have said rude just to lock, sgt does not hide I notice he often says why he has done it, so after sleeping on it I am staying,
a lot of forums you do not need to read every thread but a mod on here has to,
I will just have to live with it,
Quote by Mark
we really aren't all that bad (are we?) dunno

BEAT ME, BEAT ME! *le pant*
why do you have to be discreet? well apart from the obvious, but the internet has FAR worse going on than this place, plus i think i found this site through google anyway!Also just like to add that being a mod must be a pain in the butt and im sure impossible to please everyone, this site seems excellent though, just be cool if more threads were allowed to develop maybe before being locked, but i dont know what goes on behind the scenes so there maybe good reason for im should probably just shutup!! he fact ive posted quite abit for a newbie...been a quiet week!!!
Hi Mark
Just between you and me, my favourite flouncers are the ones who leave by giving us a sneak peak at their CV. I'm a Moderator on another forum and... I run my own site and... My PR firm would never allow this...

I don't think that anyone's opinion is invalidated on how long they've been a part of the site. I hope that everyone is valued from the word go.
I have pointed out that I'm a moderator on another site .. but only because I wanted to demonstrate that I am not speaking from ignorance. I have no intention of leaving. This was in response to being told to "get real" and I otherwise would probably not have mentiond it.
I guess it is just me... I get no PMs of support, no emails either... and now this; just another uninteresting self-important string of pablum to wade through... :sigh:

But that goes with the territory. That's life in fact. People only ever generally speak up when they are unhapp. When they are content they just shut up and get on with it. I have noticed plenty of comments fo support in the forums in general.
If people are invited onto a discussion forum to chit-chat about anything they want then what more can be expected?
However, we are in discussion about these locking issues. None of us want to discourage the newbies, mediumbies or oldbies from posting... the self-important-been-here-five-minutes-and-I-know-much-betterbies can take a long walk off a short pier though.

Which will effectively alienate you from them when hopefully we want the site to be fully supported. We can all play our part in that. I see no need to become dismissive or disrespectful.
I'm not saying I know better than anyone. I'm simply sharing my opinion and limited experience ... and that is exactly what I am invited to do on here. It is always better, in my opinion, to engage people directly and to not moderate undercover (as has been hinted at above).
But once again, I have no intention of leaving. it would be nice to see this site develop and grow.
Mark... this is a superb site. If it wasn't, I wouldn't stick around. As a single male it can be very difficult to get noticed and trusted around here ... but I haven't thrown the towel in yet!!
I agree, the real life interactions do set it apart in a very significant way smile
I think also that sites like this will attract more weirdos and timewasters than other sites. Isn't it sad and stupid????
and the odd lemon wink
sorry! I'm going, I'm going .....!
(this is not a flounce! you'll know that when you see it)
Quote by Mark
I'm no great leader :P

Ahhh he spoke to me...sigh:twisted: wink
Minx xx
Quote by Jiggle
well personlly i think you can't progress to becoming a regualr untill you have had at least one thread locked!....
i tried my hardest for months to and still no joy.. you should be honoured! lol

That's what i was going to say lol You know your in when you get a thread locked smackbottom chill out Poppymac you havn't been here long. Get to know folks, some of the locks are done tongue in cheek, not intended to offend or hurt anyone. Hope you stay with us This is just in case you are having a bad day kiss
:love: xxx
Quote by Mark
Apples and Oranges is what I'm saying.

Ah - but what about the Frogs and Scorpions ?? Eh? Eh?
db - also not flouncing. You don't get rid of me that easily redface
Please don't read anything into that, that's not there.
Mark, you and the mods are doing a grand job, as always, but one request please: can you not boot a few of the current crop of "50 pissy posts a day" merchants? rolleyes
quote="MikeNorth"]Mark, you and the mods are doing a grand job, as always, but one request please: can you not boot a few of the current crop of "50 pissy posts a day" merchants? rolleyes
mike... that is not nice for you... that is akin to hearing you swear, but i kinda get what you are saying,, which is why i am more in the background than i use to be... my post locking thread killing duties have taken a break so to speak......
Quote by UKman37
Mark... this is a superb site. If it wasn't, I wouldn't stick around. As a single male it can be very difficult to get noticed and trusted around here ... but I haven't thrown the towel in yet!!
I agree, the real life interactions do set it apart in a very significant way smile
I think also that sites like this will attract more weirdos and timewasters than other sites. Isn't it sad and stupid????

well i am a great beliver and i hope that others agree that you get out of the site what you put into a single bloke it is difficult, i absolutly agree with you ...but once people do realise that you are not the same as most other blokes then it is work it....
quite frankly if poppymac has posted 12 times and only been here a month and decides to pack it in who is losing out more... us or her... i wish she would stick around but if that is how she feel the cest la vie....
i remember that i lurked for months before i took the big step to join... and then months before i got myself know and it is something that i am constantly working on... but it does feel at time at times as if newbies are jumping in with both feet without getting a feeling for the site first.....hence the dismay when things do not go their way....
sean xxxxxxx
Quote by JudyTV
I have said it before, this site is successful , thats why it has 17000 reg users and why the forum is so busy.

20746 to be precise!! wink lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I have said it before, this site is successful , thats why it has 17000 reg users and why the forum is so busy.

20746 to be precise!! wink lol :lol: :lol:
I think Judy is cutting and pasting! :lol: :twisted:
She has a stock set of answers for all the boring threads.
"Hmm, newbie flounce thread, that must be response number 72, copy, click, paste, click" :twisted:
Roger the Dragon cool
Please allow me to repeat myself, I think this site is SUPERB. I have received a very warm welcome here and enjoy being in the chatroom. This site is undoubtedly unique in that it offers swingers a free resource to advertise, chat and meet. There are few people who would give their time and energy to make a project like this possible. So, I hope that everyone is clear on my postition biggrin
But disagreement over certain issues is entirely healthy and a natural part of every day life. One of the reasons I've felt able to post what i have posted is that I feel such a part of this place.
its a real shame when people feel they have to leave