sorry to burden you with this but i needed stress relief :crazy:
Quote by sexyann57
Thanks everybody for helping me cheer up, the best part of it is he does have a mobile but he turned it offi must admit i did,nt know wether to kill him or hug him
now it,s just a matter of getting him to find a job :? he can,t seem to co-ordinate ie: having a g/f the same time as a job :uhoh: Thanks again
Ann xxx
Quote by sexyann57
Our 19 yr old son walked his girlfriend to the local train station last wed, ..and did,nt come back until yesterday :cry: we did,nt think much of it at first and as the days went by we started to get anxiousyesterday baz went to report it to the police because we know he had no money and did,nt take a change of clothes, needless to say at 5 o,clock last night he walks in as if everything in the world is fine with g/f in tow
, so then we had to let the police know so they came around to tell him off , but anger aside it is a relief to know he,s ok
sorry to burden you with this but i needed stress relief :crazy: