Hope this helps :love:
A hug
Feels good
Dispels loneliness
Overcomes fears
Builds self-esteem-(Wow! They actually want to hug me!)
Slows down ageing, huggers stay younger longer
Eases tension
Fights insomnia
Keeps arms and shoulders muscles in good condition
Is ecologically sound, does not upset the environment
Is democratic, anyone is eligible for a hug
Is portable
Affirms physical being
Is energy efficient, saves heat
Makes impossible days possible
Makes happy days happier
A hug makes you feel good all day.
Darlin x
As me mum would say - you want putting in a bag and 'shekkin' up!
I know that won't do much good but hey, see you soon and thinking of ya both - hope you can sort it and keep a bit of that love, in whatever form.
Cathy x
Know just how you feel love ~~
Keep smileing and chin up :therethere:
Clio Xx
i just wanted to say thank you to eveyone who has sent me mesages.
i have tried to reply to everyone.. but cant think properly at the min and am a bit confused who i have replied to.
no one can take on any of the pain i feel now, and i would not wish it on anyone anyway, but it helps to know that people do care.
On behalf of us guy's ..humble apologies!!
But I have to admit..I have acted the same way myself..in fact many times..not something to be proud of..but I admit to being a total bastard..can't help it..I've tried..and yes I've did all the promises routine etc etc
Some people will never change..I know I'm one of them...so you either put up or move on!!
The pain never goes away, I am just so sorry that your heart has been broken..maybe one day it will happen to him..then it serves bastards like me right..lol
Sorry to hear about things :therethere: :therethere:
Charlotte, Roger & Steve xxx
Hiya WBB
Big hugs from me to both of you.
Thinking of you, big hugs...
Pm me with your phone number if you want me to ring you for a chat
Take care
WBB, sending you some hugs from Herts :therethere:
Hi BWW i know what your going through, been there myself in the past.
and pls dont think theres anything wrong with you.
i know right now it dont seem like it but things will get better.
Awwww Darlin......I am sending you lots of :therethere: 's.
And don't for a second think that this is about you.....it's not!!!! It's not something that you have done or not done.......
You can't hate him because you still love him....but whether that's enough to mean that you can carry on in a relationship with him is something that only you can decide.
I hope it works out for the best. You have my phone number if you need to talk.
sorry to hear ya news chin up and 2 mro will seem better
a big hug from us
hi WBB
We known u a long time before u joined this site and great big hugs from us both
U know where we are if u need us. Anytime. mean that sincerely
Babe1& Tbone
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere: