someone had to get a grip.......
Wow... what a thread! I'm not known to say much but god help us all.. in saying that i'm off for a pee.........
Mike xx
Brings to mind the lad who got sent home from school for peeing in the swimming pool, on hearing this, his parents complained to the head that lots of kids do it ..... to which the head replied yes, but not from the top diving board !!!!!!
Piss in the sink ... I do... nightly.... in fact when i read this tread i was coming back from the sink but it is almost midnight. Shit the sink goes to the sewers does it not and is the right hight for men and not only that you can rinse afterwards.... Yes i am a sink pisser and proud.....
Ive pissed in the shower...
Ive pissed inside my gf...
I love being pissed on...
but why do I wretch at the idea of pissin in the sink?
yes it's sterile & if you dont like the smell then use some of the flowery cleaners on the market.
I think I have my own limits on that then.
Nahhh empty beer cans are much more convenient,
Just make sure you dont leave them lying around for the next morning....with that dried up throat and lack o recollection ....
Going on the errrrg! logic! , all "waste" water, ends up at a sewage plant somehere where it is "treated".... and then put back into a river, then..... guess what! , the river water is "treated" and fed back to us via the mains. Therefore, cut out the middleman, save all that waste of energy, money etc ..... pee in the kettle!
I was going out with an ozzie girl about 20years ago. we stayed a night at a backpackers hostel in Earls Court. I got into the guys dorm at about midnight. There was only one bed left to fill.
And he arrived at about 2am ...............
An ocker bloke from oz. Singing away to himself he slammed down his back pack. He got to the chorus, Whopped his whanger out into the hand basin, emptied 2 pints of Fosters into the sink.
Humming away to himself he crashed into the bottom bunk. About 5 minutes later there was the sound of someone banging on the rain sheet of a tent.
Yep he was having a good old wank! So he finished splendidly well and crashed out, snoring his head off.
Itwas a good thing he didn't wank in the sink and piss in the bed.