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Hair today - gone tomorrow?

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Ok so it’s Friday so don’t expect any really serious posting from me!
I was talking to a friend this week and she had taken the plunge and gone to the hairdressers to get her hair professionally dyed. Upon her return I asked her how it went and how she looked, she replied "I look like a gothic hedge!"
I was talking to Mrs Kiss about it last night, she said that her hair used to be her "Crowning glory" and her favourite feature but since she’s had chemotherapy and it all fell out she’s not so attached to it.
Well now I come to think of it my hair seems to be an emotional barometer. I grow it then cut it all off then grow it then cut it all off. I seem to drastically change my hair when there is some sort of upheavel in my life. Although I take care of and style my hair I'm not that vain about it as when you convert to Buddhism you 'seek refuge' and attend a special ceremony, part of that ceremony is having your head shaved. biggrin
Anyway this got me thinking… how important is your hair to you? Do you judge others by their hair? Have you suffered a hair disaster? How did you cope? What's it like to go bald?
Hya Kiss.. I think sometimes for a woman especially her hair is as important as the clothes she wears, her make up. If your hair looks nice you feel nice doesn't matter what others think if you feel bad about it, it'll mess up your whole day. (That's how I feel anyway! lol )
I wear my hair kind of short and funky and I love messing it up with waxes but I'd hate to lose my hair, my heart goes out to anyone who's been in that position. xx
"Whats it like to go bald?"
Kind of depressing lol!
But it's me as I am, I keep it shaved short and I often get told by women how much it suits me.I myself hate it but if those ladies like it then I guess that's to the good!
Quote by niceandgentle
"Whats it like to go bald?"
Kind of depressing lol!
But it's me as I am, I keep it shaved short and I often get told by women how much it suits me.I myself hate it but if those ladies like it then I guess that's to the good!

My husband has no hair, he opts for a NO.2 (if you pardon the phrase) all over as he's starting to go bald... I love it! much prefer his new look.
One thing about having no hair you soon discover how cold the rain is. Brrrrr!
I lost my hair when I was relatively young and truth be told I was grateful. My hair had thinned to such a degree I had developed an unintential 'Bobby Charlton' redface I was so bloody pleased when the last bit went. biggrin
I also remember standing in the shower and looking down at the mass of hair around my feet. Probably wasn't that much but far far more than usual hair loss. It was traumatic at the time but I don't think about it now.
Hi Kiss
Like Jaymar says a bad hair day can really affect us girls sometimes. I know if I don't feel too well my hair always seems to go strange.
My hair stays similar but with slight variation and I am just growing it and love the new look. I spend more time and money on it now that I ever have (partly to do with starting swinging I think) and have to say I feel much better in myself.
Do I judge others by their hair? Not judge no, but it does perhaps give you an overall impression. Saying that I'd be mortified if I were judged when I nipped to do the school run with no make up and unbrushed hair!
A side issue, on men I find the haircut one of the first things I notice (I love faces, eyes and smiles)and a short cropped waxed kind of style always appeals mmmm wink
To lose it unvoluntarily must be hard, sorry to hear Mrs Kiss had to go through it.
pink x
Last year when I had a lump in my breast one of my main worries was loosing my hair if it turned out to be cancer sad
I would be devastated if I lost my hair :(
Quote by jaymar
My husband has no hair, he opts for a NO.2 (if you pardon the phrase) all over as he's starting to go bald... I love it! much prefer his new look.

I go for a no 1 so it all blends in lol
Quote by goose35
My husband has no hair, he opts for a NO.2 (if you pardon the phrase) all over as he's starting to go bald... I love it! much prefer his new look.

I go for a no 1 so it all blends in lol
lol he tried that but someone said he looked like Grant Mitchell from Eastenders! :lol:
Lost most of mine now, but it never bothers me. I ask for a number 4 when I have it cut - don't want to frighten anybody. redface
Quote by blueandpink
To lose it unvoluntarily must be hard, sorry to hear Mrs Kiss had to go through it.

I actually like it that a couple of people have said "hi Kiss" at the start of their post - I think I may do that from now on - address the original poster. I'm easily amused. lol
Anyway about the bit I quoted above. When Mrs Kiss realised she was going to lose her hair she did something which optimises her kind nature. She shaved it off for charity before she started treatment. We had a big BBQ and invited loads of people and she even managed to have a laugh as pictures were taken throughout!
She managed to raise about £3,500 for the local hospital who’s 'cancer unit' at the time was a porta-cabin in a car park. confused Needless to say she was invited to the grand opening when they eventually raised the millions that they needed!
Re men going bald - I don't find it unattractive at all. What I do find unattractive are men who try to fight it by attempting comb-overs and wearing wigs. However it must be tough to go through.
Gothic Hedge here. So what do you do when you ask for a subtle coppery light brown and it comes out, well, purple. I was too embarressed to say anything, just shot out of the salon like a scalded cat. Can I have it dyed again so soon and how do I know I can trust the next lot, I usually do it myself and never have a problem. Now I think I have to go out and buy lots of black eyeliner and a cape!
Ok I have never lost my hair - but one of my very bestest best friends in the world has alopecia - she is bald all over. By this I mean no eyelashes, eyebrows, body hair - nothing!
She gets very very embarrassed about it - and I tend to go with her to help her choose a new wig, and have it cut (yes a good wig needs cutting to suit your face like normal hair). She cannot afford human hair wigs as they mould after 8 weeks of constant use, so it has to be the not quite so nice fake hair. The NHS refuse to pay more than £50 a wig (a good wig even non human costs between £150-300), and then you have to find a hairdresses that specialises in hairpieces and has a discrete room they can do the fitting and cutting in (another £80)and then the special washing soloutions andother £60 a month. All this is every 4months or so.
Personally i think she looks fabulous without her wig on - but she isnt brave enough to go bald in public - such a shame. It effects her live in every form - from jobs, attitude and confidence! She is a beautiful woman and men fall quickly for her huge brown eyes but she builds a wall and pushes them away! Its her defence against getting hurt! she was bullied mercilessly at school for her condition! she is a very strong lady and has had to deal with alot due to the simple fact she has no hair.
I guess what I am getting at is that yes a womans hair is very very important to her, and i know that it can effect every part of your life. However should i lose mine, I know I would have the best person there to support me!
Hi Kiss,
Hi everyone else,
I'm fascinated by the level of science and technology that goes into hair care products. I have recently taken to using my girlfriends conditioner that is espicially for 'brown tones'. How does that work then?
Should I carry on doing this?
Am I worth it?
Hi Keeno,
Quote by keeno
I'm fascinated by the level of science and technology that goes into hair care products.

Ahhh a fellow nerd!
Quote by keeno
I have recently taken to using my girlfriends conditioner that is espicially for 'brown tones'.

You are a brave man!
Quote by keeno
How does that work then?

Look for some very fascinating shampoo facts. redface
Quote by keeno
Should I carry on doing this?

Yes if you have brown hair and a generous girlfriend.
Quote by keeno
Am I worth it?

Of course! lol
Quote by Kiss
Hi Keeno,
I'm fascinated by the level of science and technology that goes into hair care products.

Ahhh a fellow nerd!
To raise my nerd factor a bit higher.
How do some shampoos know that they should repair the split ends but condition the rest. This would imply a level of inteligence that would qualify it as a lifeform on Star Trek (Nerd alert!!)
And I love aqua spheres dunno
Never mind about aqua sheres, what can I do about having purple hair?
Quote by H-x
Never mind about aqua sheres, what can I do about having purple hair?

Hi colouring victim
1. Wear at hat dunno
2. Shave it off :dunno:
3. Stay in doors until it grows out :dunno:
4. Bluff it out and claim it as a fashion statement. Purple is the new blonde blink
You could live your life as normal and later claim that your life was taken over by your evil twin you never knew you had. biggrin
I think bluff it out, although I'm a little old to be a goth.
Despite it looking like a hedge most of the time I think my hair is my best feature. Shave it!!! Never.
Quote by Gothic Hedge
I think bluff it out, although I'm a little old to be a goth.

Please don't go goth! :shock:
Quote by Gothic Hedge
Despite it looking like a hedge most of the time I think my hair is my best feature. Shave it!!! Never.

You have great hair! :lickface:
Hi Kiss and a kiss for Mrs Kiss too, not only for what she's been through but for being brave enough to shave her head.
My long hair is my best feature I think ( doesn't say much for the rest of me though confused ) and although I've tried wearing it short, it doesn't suit. I recently ditched my red and gone brown and blond highlights while the red grows out.
I'd hate to lose my hair through illness or treatment but I guess it's par for the course and certainly not as important as saving my health
ps H-x......I love your hair too :inlove:
My hair was about half way down my back until a couple of weeks ago.... it's shoulder length now and I think I prefer it this length. I used to have very short hair which my ex referred to as my "butch lesbian" look. Wonder why he's my ex? rolleyes I did at one point consider having it incredibly short but I think I grew out of that phase very quickly, before I got to the hairdresssers anyway lol
I have tried in vain to find a shade of red that I really really loved so I am gradually going back to something near my natural colour (mousey brown) and might even try going a bit lighter at some point in the future when all the red has grown out or been covered up.
Fickle with my hair? Oh gosh yes!
Quote by H-x
Gothic Hedge here. So what do you do when you ask for a subtle coppery light brown and it comes out, well, purple. I was too embarressed to say anything, just shot out of the salon like a scalded cat. Can I have it dyed again so soon and how do I know I can trust the next lot, I usually do it myself and never have a problem. Now I think I have to go out and buy lots of black eyeliner and a cape!

A, You just said that to turn me on didn’t you?
B, Get a season ticket to The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Hi Kissy wissy woo,
I'll tell you a secret, if you promise not to tell anyone else.
Just before I married Mr W, I went to the hairdressers just to get a trim & tidy up. At the time, I was a 21 year old, busty size 10 with long "shaggy" peroxide blonde hair. In my leathers & jeans I was the archetypal "biker chick." In no uncertain terms, I told the hairdresser to "just give me a trim." She trimmed, and she trimmed, and she trimmed.
I went in looking like a biker babe, and came out looking like Felicity Kendal.
To this day, I have never been back to a salon! :scared:
Quote by winchwench
...I went in looking like a biker babe, and came out looking like Felicity Kendal.

:giggle: rotflmao yeah... I've seen the pics!!! :giggle: :rotflmao:
I don't see what the problem is - I've always been partial to the gothic look...
And, yes, I have joined the balding, hair cut short brigade, before anyone tries to banter me...
Quote by Kiss
What's it like to go bald?

My hair went south a few years back. I've got used to it now but I cringe when I look at old photos of me. I used to have a mohawk; a mullet; a perm redface .
There's the old adage which states that 'bald men are more sexy'. I actually think there's something to that. It might just be wishful thinking but that on it's own is probably enough to change my outlook.
There are many up-sides:
- I own no combs or hair brushes.
- A bottle of shampoo lasts me ages.
- I can wash my hair with a damp flannel.
- Barbers/hairdressers are a thing of the past.
- I don't tickle the inside of a womans thighs cool .
And a couple of down-sides:
- Need to wear a hat to stop sunburn.
- Need to wear a hat to stop your brain freezing.
In summary.... It's who I am so I accept it.