"Whats it like to go bald?"
Kind of depressing lol!
But it's me as I am, I keep it shaved short and I often get told by women how much it suits me.I myself hate it but if those ladies like it then I guess that's to the good!
Gothic Hedge here. So what do you do when you ask for a subtle coppery light brown and it comes out, well, purple. I was too embarressed to say anything, just shot out of the salon like a scalded cat. Can I have it dyed again so soon and how do I know I can trust the next lot, I usually do it myself and never have a problem. Now I think I have to go out and buy lots of black eyeliner and a cape!
Ok I have never lost my hair - but one of my very bestest best friends in the world has alopecia - she is bald all over. By this I mean no eyelashes, eyebrows, body hair - nothing!
She gets very very embarrassed about it - and I tend to go with her to help her choose a new wig, and have it cut (yes a good wig needs cutting to suit your face like normal hair). She cannot afford human hair wigs as they mould after 8 weeks of constant use, so it has to be the not quite so nice fake hair. The NHS refuse to pay more than £50 a wig (a good wig even non human costs between £150-300), and then you have to find a hairdresses that specialises in hairpieces and has a discrete room they can do the fitting and cutting in (another £80)and then the special washing soloutions andother £60 a month. All this is every 4months or so.
Personally i think she looks fabulous without her wig on - but she isnt brave enough to go bald in public - such a shame. It effects her live in every form - from jobs, attitude and confidence! She is a beautiful woman and men fall quickly for her huge brown eyes but she builds a wall and pushes them away! Its her defence against getting hurt! she was bullied mercilessly at school for her condition! she is a very strong lady and has had to deal with alot due to the simple fact she has no hair.
I guess what I am getting at is that yes a womans hair is very very important to her, and i know that it can effect every part of your life. However should i lose mine, I know I would have the best person there to support me!
Hi Kiss,
Hi everyone else,
I'm fascinated by the level of science and technology that goes into hair care products. I have recently taken to using my girlfriends conditioner that is espicially for 'brown tones'. How does that work then?
Should I carry on doing this?
Am I worth it?
Never mind about aqua sheres, what can I do about having purple hair?
I think bluff it out, although I'm a little old to be a goth.
Despite it looking like a hedge most of the time I think my hair is my best feature. Shave it!!! Never.
Hi Kissy wissy woo,
I'll tell you a secret, if you promise not to tell anyone else.
Just before I married Mr W, I went to the hairdressers just to get a trim & tidy up. At the time, I was a 21 year old, busty size 10 with long "shaggy" peroxide blonde hair. In my leathers & jeans I was the archetypal "biker chick." In no uncertain terms, I told the hairdresser to "just give me a trim." She trimmed, and she trimmed, and she trimmed.
I went in looking like a biker babe, and came out looking like Felicity Kendal.
To this day, I have never been back to a salon! :scared:
I don't see what the problem is - I've always been partial to the gothic look...
And, yes, I have joined the balding, hair cut short brigade, before anyone tries to banter me...