I can never quite work out whether being one works against me sometimes. What are the general feelings on body hair? I mean I can't help being well covered for this winter weather, anyone else?
So how much hair do you have? Are you freakishly hairy, furrily hairy or handsomely hairy?
I like body hair. Personally. But I prefer a bald head......
handsomely hairy I hope, but let's just say there aren't that many bald patches anywhere on my body really. ex's have liked my chest hair but I always feel a bit self-conscious stripped off
Hair on the face and long head hair, fine, no problems.
Excessive body hair for me is a no no personally. But each to their own.
this is the thing I can never work out, is it bushy body hair or just lots of it? worth trimming I guess?
i like it but :twisted:
Gill x
Chest hair is fine..... backs and shoulders are a completely different story :shock:
Im not sure about how much ive got, and how i should refer to it, but Im open to examination and investigations.
back and shoulders, get it waxed? or is that a bit vain?
I quite like dark body hair on men... ooo Sean Connery mmmmm and Robbie Williams :twisted:
Think we definitely need some pics so we can see for ourselves :twisted:
Sorry but body hair is a bit of a no no for me
don't mind a little but not the bear type! although there is people who love hairy men/women
fun waxing the stuff off someone else though :twisted:
That's a lovely smile you have on your pic, Lily666
but because it is dark it looks quite thick. should i trim below the waist too?