maybe Laff is curious to figure out how Harry uses his magic stick "just like that!" (as tommy cooper would say)
No hanky panky here so it would be Harry Potter. Finished number six yesterday and my daughter's gone to buy the last one today. I won't get that until after she's read it. I'm reading 'Hotel Honolulu' now.
Hi Laff...
Harry Who????Oh the annoying little twerp with his magic stick.
Should have dropped me a line, would have loved to between your legs with my wand...'open says me...'
have you tried reading the books?? I used to think like that till I read them, and so did Den till I persuaded him to read them, now he's the one pre-ordering and getting up early to start reading!
:giggle: they really are worth it though- as they say, don't knock it till you've tried it!!!
m xx
Has anyone read it completely yet, or just the end to see who dies?