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Happy to be an oldie!

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Sex God
Quote by corriefem
I can remember in 1969...

This is mathematically impossible. kiss
Oooooooooooooooooh now either you are very very shortsighted or as I am really a pensioner you are making me admit my real age Ice Pie!!!!!!!! Hahaha
All ladies are 21.
Men's bodies were specifically designed to remind them of this fact:
1. Left thumb. 2. Left index finger... ;)
Warming the Bed
alex remember the wigan casino when it was the place to go to jive at you must know the monaco ballroom i played there not long ago , the clue to who i am on when performing is ALWAYS ON MY MIND , or ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT , this thread has so many happy times for all concerned LEE
biggrin Ooooooo! I can remember our first telly, and the first bbc2 transmission, watching the moon-landing in '69, and as it happened my 'actionman' was copying Neil Armstrongs steps-off the coffee table and onto the floor-( thats actionman, not Neil) (tho if you believe the conspiracy theories---)
Listening to Alan Freeman host "Pick Of The Pops" on Sunday afternoons.
The times when everyone knew what was number one (who will ever locatethis week by "the week when "Real To Me" by Bryan McFadden was number one"? What a laugh!
When cassette tapes first came in. Everyone thought that they would soon replace vinyl records, and the record shop chain Harlequin Records changed its name in anticipation of this to "Tape Revolution". However, after a few years of vinyl holding its own, they changed their name again to "Our Price Records".
I remember when the very first Virgin record shop opened, in Oxford Street in London, near the Tottenham Court Road end, near where there is now a Virgin Megastore. This place was rather different, however - you had to go through a small clothing boutique, and up a flight of stairs to a small shop on the first floor with lots of cushions around where you could lol (LOL) around listening to the latest "sounds"!
I even go back as far as when you used to have to turn the light off to be able to see the (black and white) TV picture clearly!
lol :lol: :lol:
Thanks make me feel so young!!
Born in the 70's so cant really comment
but love all the old music
enjoy your memories they keep 4 ever wink
Anyone remember a programme called 'The flashing blade' it was on every saturday morning for years. It was one of those badly dubbed spanish/french things.....seemed to go on and on and on.....I seem to recall that the music was quite catchy.
Then there was 'Marine Boy.' How fab was that!!! I wanted one of those underwater boomerang things....
OOOOH and the 'tomorrow people' loved that! They did that "jaunt" thing.....bloody amazing!
Best ever cartoon gotta be 'top cat' FanFlippingTastic!
Thanks everyone for sharing their memories!!!
Sex God
Quote by Kinky Lizard
OOOOH and the 'tomorrow people' loved that! They did that "jaunt" thing.....bloody amazing!

Earlier on in this thread I considered posting a link to the Tomorrow People theme music. Then I thought people might think I was sad and nerdy and didn't bother.
Since I am evidently not the only fan, here's a bit of 70s nostalgia just for thee. biggrin

Warming the Bed
Just sitting here reading posts and listening to VH2 on Sky and what should come on but....
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Followed swiftly by Bo-Rap!!!!
How about that for a blast from the past!
(why isn't there a head-banging emoticon!?!?!?)
Alex, you are so right! I am from the same era (born in 53) We did have a lot to be thankful for didn’t we, we had so much to connect to through the 60’s – 70’s. They were bloody good times.
In previous posts, I have skirted on the edge of telling things about my past on a number of occasions, and sort of skipped over things, by saying I was a pro musician for 20+ years, etc… Only because I don’t want to appear as a name dropper or such like……
But, well, sod it…. People you can read the rest of this if you want, or skip to the next reply……. ‘Twas my life and Nostalgia has the better of me at the moment! So here is an abridged version, if anyone is vaguely interested let me know and I’ll elaborate.
At the tender age of 16, I joined a semi pro band and for the next 2 years developed my trade on the south coast (Sussex way). At 18, as a bass player / front-man / vocalist, I joined another band and progressed to playing UK wide clubs, and occasional Europe USAF bases etc. By luck more than skill, the band had a bit of a break and got in with a London Agent who booked us to do support with a chart band on an Austral – Asia tour (remember this was in the days prior to video’s – when a band had a hit they used to send them on tour to promote their record).
Over the next 5 to 10 years or so, being a member of different bands, I toured the world and supported and played with names that people from my era would recognise, The Hollies, The Searchers, Brian Pool and the Tremolos, Showaddywaddy, Herman’s Hermits, Edison Lighthouse, Joe Brown & The Bruv’s, Freddie & The Dreamers etc….
On one trip, we decided to jump ship (so to speak) and ended playing in a nightclub under the Hilton Hotel in Singapore for a year, we then played at a number of prestigious venues in Kuala Lumpa (Malaya) for 6 months – had a number 5 hit in the Malayan charts, and then on to Penang and Thailand…. Ending up in Australia for a year….
We finally came back to the UK and did more years in and around Europe…. Blah, Blah, Blah….. stopped playing professionally about 12 years back.
This is rambling on a bit, so I will draw it to a close by trying to pre-empt a question I get asked a lot, “What was the best gig you ever did or the best memory you have type thing”….
Well, I have two highlights that out shine all others, I will not go into in great detail now ( as I am mindful I maybe boring you all - if anyone is interested then I will expand later)…. Number 1, is that I played with the man himself Eric C, (now that is a story and a thread all on it’s own), and Number 2, (a strange one this) I am proud to be one of a very few people that played a concert in the Maze Prison….
Sorry for the Ramble…. Put it down to age and Nostalga……..
Oh my god!!! stoppit. I suddenly feel like I'm abut 12 years old..... Didn't realise that you all rode the same dinosaur to school biggrin
Don't think any of the things you've mentioned were in my life time so far.... hehe
Some great music mentioned though... Always used to love my Dads record collection. lol
What memories you've brought back Thankyou. A hotch potch of memories comes floating back over far too many years.....
My younger life is overwritten with the smell of ladies' hair laquer, the ubiquitous 'Players' No. 6 Cigarettes' for the young folk, the smell of' Wills Woodbine' from the older. My Grandad's pipe , filled with Erinmore 'ready rubbed'. The taste of 'Boiling Bacon' for sunday tea; the horrible taste of 'Camp' Coffee; the 'Shambles' where the old country ladies came in on the bus once a week , to haggle with the market men over the price of cheese and meat; wearing a cap to school; taking a girl out and plying her with 'Cherry B'-believing it to be the strongest thing imagineable ; cattle being driven down the road; chippings being spread on the road by brawny men with shovels-not the huge machines we have today; my beloved Ford Corsair V6-first car I ever had; yes, Robinson Crusoe-I still love the theme music; the smell of my new leather satchel -do they still exist? 'Duffel Coats' were worn by all us country kids in the winter; queueing up for the 'nit nurse' when she came into school; the overwhelming fear of nuclear war-that is one of the strongest. We really did believe it was only a matter of time; 'Bubble Cars'; 'Chopper Bikes'; 'The 'I -Spy' club-anybody still got the codes?; collecting 'tea-cards' from tea packets-I still have several albums; 'Bleep and Booster' on Blue Peter; the picture of Julie Christie I hid under my mattress redface Jack Hargreaves on 'Out of Town; the 'old people' and 'people with difficulties' that still lived with families back then, in pre-nursing home days; crowds of children walking long distances to school; all the farm kids 'missing' from school at harvest time; the 'rag and bone ' man that drove his horse and cart around the villages with his resonant cry; frost on the inside of the windows in those colder and pre-central heating times; the last of the 'shire horses' that dozed in fields after being usurped by tractors-I remember them vividly, many of the old farmers couldn't bear to have them destroyed and they gazed out at us as we walked by, their big brown eyes mourning the passing of their vocation and a way of life that my father, grandfather, great grandfather and those before him had lived and breathed since their childhood-my greatest regret is that I never had the chance to 'follow the plough';....
anyway, enough.....
There never were 'Good Old Days' ... there were just 'different days'...
Sex God
Bloody hell Agricola,
Used to love Jack Hargreaves. I well remember the rag and bone man coming round the streets. Pathfinder shoes with the compass inside them and animal prints on the soles, I reckon I could still recognise the tracks of a North American Beaver if I come across one in Herts, used to take the trusty 'Johny Seven' gun out with me just to try and hunt one down.
Your satchel may well have smelt nice initially but was soon overpowered by the unmistakable rubber smell of a new pair of plimsols, only smelt that the other week when the stores were full of them for the start of a new term, it really did remind me of days gone by.
No6 cigerettes an old favourite although very often it would be No10 if money was tight of even Park Drive brought individually. Sneaking into the pub yard and persuading someone to go in and buy a pint and bring it out.
The Sunday run, back to the corner shop to return the empty lemonade bottles and spend the refund on as many blackjacks as the money would buy, eight a penny and full of flavour, not like the crap they make now.
Saturday morning cinema for an old shilling, to cheer on the good guy and boo the bad as loud as you could.
Sunday school, nearly all the kids had to go, whilst Dad put his suit on ready to go for his Sunday dinner drink, earliest memories of him buffing his shoes to a high polish before even thinking of leaving the house.
Fond memories but as you say not necessarily the good old days.
Yesterday seems closer, sweeter
As the golden grape warms my soul.
The faces seem much closer, dearer
And part of that which makes me whole.
Looking back seems right, good
And the world I knew seems near,
The friends I had are with me, real
Their eyes and voices oh so dear.
Surely is is right, now
To celebrate the past,
But knowing it is gone, borne
In golden amber, but will last
As long as my head lives, turns
To gaze on that which formed my being,
The miles walked with friends, loves
Eyes that met in saying, seeing
Beneath the dross that men, life
Require our spirits to aquire,
For a while we knew, shared
A spark from an eternal fire.
(will copy to poetry thread)
That was beautiful and put into poetry, all the emotions that were going thru my mind when I started this thread
Thank you!
Reading through everyones posts - there are so many other memories that come flooding back.
I too remember the rag and bone man. If you gave him quite a lot of stuff, you'd get a shilling (5p), if it was just a bit, he would give you a balloon.
You mentioned Julie Christie - that evoked memories of doing my English Lit O Level.
Our novel was Thomas Hardy's, Far from the Madding Crowd. Such a wonderful book (as are most of Hardy's) and the film version with Julie Christie as Bathsheba Everdene was very true to the written word. We had Romeo and Juliet as our Shakespeare play. I remeber being taken by our English teacher (who was very straight-laced even for those times) to the pictures to see the screen version. I can still picture the look on her face as the film progressed - it was Franco Zefferelli's version with leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey which was quite racy at the time.
Another school memory was of our biology teacher. She was so prudish, she would never utter the word 'reproduction' never mind sex. When the lesson had to cover that topic, she would have written the word on the blackboard and when the conversation required it she would use her cane to point to the blackboard.
Davej mentioned Black Jacks - ooooo I loved them - and Spanish (soft licuorice) and the hard licuorice which resembled a small boat paddle. Licuorice whirls - like a catherine wheel with a gob-stopper in the centre. There were 'Fry's 5 centres', Fry's Turkish Delight which came in 2 size costing 4d & 7d.
There was also the Corona Pop Man and Davenport's Beer at Home. You always returned your bottles because you would get 2d back on some of them. Now that is true recycling. Same with the milk bottles - you left your empties out for the milkman the next day.
We I was little I used to go with my mum pea picking and bean picking (I lived in a market gardening area of South West Lancs). I hated bean picking but I loved pea picking. The tasted of raw fresly picked peas - mmmmmmm. The smaller pods, we would eat whole. I think I must have eaten half of what I picked.
Most of the kids my age in our avenue were boys - so I have to be able to play football and cricket and climb trees etc. I was always bringing home things like frogs, toads, newts and grass-snakes in my pockets.
We all used to play in the local woods. We would be there all day and our parents would not have to think twice about it. As parents how many of us would be able to do the same with our children. In our woods was a big delph. We had a rope swing from which we would swing from one side to another - at it's lowest point over the delph this swing was about 10 foot from the ground. The aim was to get to the tree at the other side of the delph - grab onto it and shin down. When I think back now - it's amazing that none of us weren't killed or maimed.
Oh dear I am off again........
Sorry for boring you all........... But you all keep reminding me of other things.
OOOOOO yes another one - 199 Caroline!!!!!!!! That was a great radio station!!!!!!
And Radio Luxembourg - Only start about 7pm in the evening in English. Then the sound used to fade in and out because of the signal.
The birth of Radio One - Listening to that first broadcast whilst doing my homework, Tony Blackburn (whatever happened to Arnold?) playing Flowers in the Rain by the Move!!!!!!!!
Listening to the 1966 World Cup Final on the Radio with my Dad!
Going to the Lido - the outdoor swimming pool at Southport. For a special treat Mum & Dad would take me to the swimming baths in Lytham St Annes (no trace of it now).
As Davej said these are memories part of my past much of which I remember with fondness. They are not neccessarily the 'good old' days, but for me they are the 'old' days and I would hate to lose memory of the all together.
This thread has made me think that I should start jotting some of these memories down - for my children and grandchildren and also for me lest my memory starts failing as I grow older.
OK ok - I am really rambling now ...........(sorry rolleyes )
Hugs Alex x x
Master of Sex
i used to be a punk rocker, still love the music.
cant stand all this pop idol, crap!
im in a band now and ive played drums since i was a nipper still do and still get the best buzz out of playing music theres nothing beats it.
I just read one of Agricola's posts in Omar's thread!!!
More Childhood TV memories........
Champion the Wonderhorse
Mr Ed
My mother the car
I dream of Jeannie (JR Ewing as a nice guy!!! and the lovely Barbara Eden)
Bewitched (I still can't wiggle my nose)
My Favourite Martian (with Bill Bixby before he became the Incredible Hulk oand the magician)
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)
The Champions
Danger Man (Patrick McGooham - before he resigned from MI5(6?) and became No6)
The Saint (from the pre Roger Moore time - just can't remember the bloke's name)
My Friend Flicka
Skippy (Tut Tut Tut)
.... I think I'm losing it today......
Buggrit you lot will you stop it!! I can remember it all. But if you think I'm going to admit it in open forum you've got another ........... Shit! Senile as well!!
Quote by westerross
Buggrit you lot will you stop it!! I can remember it all. But if you think I'm going to admit it in open forum you've got another ........... Shit! Senile as well!!

I remembered another really one couple of programs.... One I only have very vague recollections of
Charlie Drake (in various sitcoms)
And a really old one - Arthur Haynes(I couln't have been very old at all but I think I can still picture his face)
I remember me mum bathing me in front of the telly on a Saturday evening while watching Dr Who... redface surprisedops:
:shock: still having change from 10p :shock:
Did we really have more snow in the late sixties? I recall walking home from school near xmas's dark there is snow everywhere and ....and....WOW the toy shop window fully illuminated :oops: :oops:
Flipper, Atom Ant, Secret squirrel.....STOP!!!!color] :oops: :oops:
Quote by MrFC
:shock: still having change from 10p :shock:

2 bob surely?
Quote by MrFC
Did we really have more snow in the late sixties? I recall walking home from school near xmas's dark there is snow everywhere and ....and....WOW the toy shop window fully illuminated :

I think we did have more snow - the winters were definitely colder. I can remember my dad spraying water on our back garden and it freezing so I had my own mini Ice Rink to skate on! I remember we could go sledging every year for weekend after weekend up at the beacon.
I loved going down to the parish church with my mum and dad near to Christmas to see the massive tree and the Illuminated Crib (without the Wire mesh cage it now has to stop the morons pinching the figures)
Just off at a tangent a bit - this memory came into my head when I was 3 or 4 I went to a nursery, I can vividly remember....
In the afternoon we all had to have a sleep on wire framed camp beds (you know the really old type) with a scratchy brown army type blanket.
It was just before this sleep we were all given a spoonful of Malt and Cod Liver Oil! redface
And one day I got upset because I was smacked for going on the wooden climbing frame which had just been creasoted - funny what memories spring to mind.
I'm going to have to find out if I can save a whole thread and refer to it when I make my notes!
Master of Sex
another avatar and even more stunning. xxxxx I MEANT THE ONE ABOVE. rolleyes
Sex God
Somethings in the whole of this thread I do remember and only because you all have reminded me..................MrFC.............I too used to have a wash in a tin bath in front of an open fire place... redface Dark wintry nights on the bus back from school, which was a good hour, and then rushing in smelling tea and a roaring fire to sit in front off, with Land of the Giants starting.
Sunday afternoons smelling of boot polish and the radio 2 I believe.
Alex nursery school......... surprisedops: that is a memory.... Would you believe I was strappedto my chair................yes I kid you not.....strapped, my crime at such a tender age, of helping myself to my fellow classmates sandwiches......I know I was not a hungry child to say the least, but liked the look of the other lunch boxes.......... :oops: :oops:
O last but not least for now ....................does anyone remember the name of a sweet type thing. I think it was called spanish gold. It looked like tobacco, but it was shredded coconut, in a wrapping that looked like your day to day Old Holburn.
Sex God
Quote by MrsFC
O last but not least for now ....................does anyone remember the name of a sweet type thing. I think it was called spanish gold. It looked like tobacco, but it was shredded coconut, in a wrapping that looked like your day to day Old Holburn.

Yep, it's called Spanish Gold and you can buy it biggrin
Sex God
Thankyou Ice-pie for that........... biggrin I'm glad that someone else can remember it.
But now I am having a craving for............................................. redface OLD ENGLISH SPANGELS
surprisedops: :oops: :oops: Now !!!!!!
Sex God
Nooo !! Mrs FC don't go eating Spaniels ...their ears will get stuck in your throat and choke you.........
Sex God
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: