I know i'd never be able to accept poo play and man on man sex plus the universals so I guess I'd be in group 2 Kaz. Otherwise if the moment happened then yeah most things i would find acceptable.
One thing is though that there are levels and limits for all people. So, though I might like pain I might like it done in a mild fashion whereas I might balk at something else purely because it has passed my limits. I guess pain being foremost in my mind as I type.
should be an interesting thread with luck mate :thumbup:
Each to their own in my opinion,but depending on what it was they were involved in would probably make me not meet them if i'm totally honest.
It's a little judgemental of me I know but if some people were into poo and pee i'd be imaginming it while I was meeting them, the imagination is a very powerful thing.
You never know these days. People ask me allsorts of strange things and that isn't even in the swinging world.
I just couldn't get away with not imagining stuff in my head if I knew the people were into things that turned me off severely, even if it were not part of our meet. That's just me obviously, I answer only from my own point of veiw.
I know I have changed over time. I like new things, but do not rush head long into them. I let them creep up on me.
I have a no list, but there is less on it now than there was. I have added some, some that I had never considered before.
I have a may be list, that has changed over the years. Some have moved to the yes list and some to the no list.
Then I have the 'yes to please' list. Those are things I do not chase, but why not.
My last list is my list of enjoyment. Things I really like.
Both of the last two list have grown over time. What will be added to them, who know? I do not, but I know something will be.
I am put off someone because what they like? What they are may put me off. Do they respect others or not.
Do I have 'Hard Limits'? I do, for the moment, I know they will change, but the last limits are; hurt no one and respect all. Those are my last, very last limits, the only ones I know I will hold forever. All the other limits, hard as I think they are now, well who know in a while they may change.
im group one
there are some things id never ever try and some things i believe are very wrong
and i would never want to meet people who are into things i believe are wrong, it would put me off
I am very open minded and will try most things. We push boundaries all the time but there are things that I know for a fact that I wont do no matter how much my boundaries are pushed.
I am happy to talk to people about anything and I love to listen to peoples fantasies and kinks. What people like to do does not disgust me but I know that there are some of them that I wouldnt do. Each to their own.
Would it put me off?? Errrrm, I dont know, I suppose it depends what it is and how respectful they are of us. There are a lot of people out there who like something and feel the need to convince everyone else that its the way ahead. Quite disrespectul I think!
In Mexico as an example the legal consensual age for sex is 13.
Would we in this country be ok for a man of say 25 to have sex with a 13 year old? I would hope not, but over there it would be perfectly acceptable and more importantly consensual.
Some find it strange and others do not.
Yes of course the " live and let live " analogy is great and I agree that consenting adults that partake in strange sexual practises that are not hurting anyone is perfectly fine, but for me the idea of strangulation as was discussed earlier is a dangerous game to play.
That was my only concern.
If people want to shit on someone, then fine I do not have a problem with that....but nobody is going to do that to me. Pretty disgusting I would have thought.
I did hear a while back about a guy who liked women to puke all over him, once again a strange and pretty disgusting act, but if that is their kink then fine.
For me I am open to most things but the no no's are there all the same for me.
To question ones sexual kinks is not being judgemental as some seem to think it is, it is purely questioning someones ideals as to what is or not acceptable.
Provided its legal and all percipience are consenting then I am in the live and let live camp
For me, I have a few hard rules, no poo and no sex with men, not so much rules, just don't turn me on so not interested. Beyond that, the Sky's the limit. (MR)
Still not to worry eh?
You can choose, does that mean the a hard limit has been breached?