you have to go to bed to be up and about :twisted:
dee xx
Toast and marmalade eh? Glad the party went well, hope to join the next one.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
*puts fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA
I am soooo not listening to what a good party it is!!! :cry:
Me neither, LA LA LA LA LA !!!!
(mutters and waves V signs at monitor!)
Seriously, good on yers!!
All I can think, Libra, is there must be several people with the same user name.
I wish I knew how to manufacture a deflatable one of him I could keep under my bed. :twisted:
Oh and hurry up with those piccies blue, we wanna share your night :P
No no no.. my Marms would not be doing this.
"Making other people feel special"? No. Not my babe. He'll be along any minute to say how much he loves just me, and me alone.
Libra, I bet your Marmalaid will do the same for you, any minute, too.
Any minute now.
And on the theme of the thread...........
Thanks SATIN for a great night, brilliant party... bring on the next one........damn..... hurry up and move you guys lol
It was great catching up with some old friends... Marms, LC :twisted:
Had a good night getting to know a few people better...... GenHertsCpl (both of you), Lil Bunny, DundeeCpl and of course Venus&Marzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
And as for Judy and Blue!!!!!!!!!all i can say is
You both owe me big time!! ;)
No 'Mr Nice Guy' next time. :twisted:
is that what marms was doing the toast on? :twisted:
Well Satin and Blue, you have done it again, what a wonderful party.
Thanks to everyone I chatted with and for the vodka jelly.
I have pic's :twisted: :twisted: :shock: