Something I thought about, as a follow-on to the ‘lifestyle or stop gap’ thought, was…. well before we actually get to that bit, let’s start with the background to the ‘what if’ part of this.
What if you (being single) met a vanilla and began to develop feelings for them. A number of people said they would be open and honest about their swinging past - so let’s say it has reached that point where you feel it is time to ease the bomb-shell out of the torpedo-racking.
Who do you think would have the most difficult conversation….
Would it be the female telling a vanilla male?
Would it be the male telling the vanilla female?
Remember now, you have to think in the vanilla mind-set to answer this one (which for some will be easier than others). :grin:
Has society moved on sufficiently for Joe Bloggs (man in the street) to accept that a woman’s past means nothing and it is a positive thing that she has explored her sexual desires outside of ’traditional’ relationships …
Or is it still likely that she will be viewed as someway tainted , yet the guy who has done/tried to do similar recreational activities is merely thought of as a male sowing his oats and being a bit of the lad named ‘Jack’?
Also…would the age group you fit into make a difference?
Polo, I can answer this with quite a vanilla mindset obviously still being one! So here's my two penneth worth...
Now I would say from experience among my group of friends that the woman would definitely have the easier time. For a vanilla man meeting a female with a swinging past would most possibly delight many of them (especially if they have been married a number of years and say are divorced and newly available). Whether this would be for a LTR or a fun relationship I am not sure as men differ on having women to "experiment" with and actually settling down with them.
The man revealing a swinging past I am sure would probably be looked upon with more concern by a vanilla female, TBH until we looked into the scene we had no idea it was such a community with rules and etiquette (that I sooo love!). I think the females primary concerns would be STI's, being "compared" to perhaps many other women and their natural protectiveness for their kids.
As an aside: really sadly in the vanilla world there are so many couples that sex drops off the agenda as years go by. Personally we get hornier as we get older and we have been together a long long time!
Good topic Polo, I do like your posts.
pink x
When my girlfriend (who is now my wife) told me about a series of fantasies she'd had about swinging as though they were real events from her past my initial reaction was jealousy. This was followed by fear about STIs then avid interest. Unfortunately I had reacted badly to an MMF threesome we'd had before so we didn't take it further at that time. Since then the subject has come up a few times and I am (thanks to her) far more sexually open now but she still has reservations about it, she worries that I would get emotionally attached to other women or get jealous. I would really like to witch her with another man and take part in various group scenarios with her but right now I feel that I need to test the water on my own to see what it's like and if her fears are justified.
Not wishing to digress too much – but Scandal mentioned something … the more bisexual women thing….
Some of you may recall a number of years back (probably late 80’s) when the trendy thing for students to do was hang around gay bars/clubs – it certainly was in Leicester.
Well something I have heard mentioned (by our youth of today) on more than one occasion is how trendy/fashionable it is to be bisexual (though it seems only if you are a female). Apparently Britney has a lot to answer for when she slipped Madonna a quick snog that time.
I've had a think about this and to be honest I think it depends on the attitude of the person in question.
My best friend (female) knows about the meets I had with a particular couple before joining this site and she thought it sounded really horny.
nother of my female friends finds the idea of thresomes or a female kissing another female "disgusting" - hence I never told her.
Thinking of previous male partners, I had a fb who I think would've found it quite a turn on, but when I think about 2 previous long term partners, I don't think they would've been happy about it, but I think that's because they were the jealous/possesive type.
I can only speak from personal (vanilla) experience when a previous girlfriend told me at the time about her swinging activities. I remember being excited but oddly jealous. Bizarrely enough, when we talked about whether we would swing together or not, she refused point blank because 'She wanted to keep me all to herself'!!
Which I though was exceptionally sweet...
Anwyay, even though I was (and still am - :cry: )l a swinging virgin, I did not judge her in the slightest. But then again, maybe it's that liberal attitude that leads me to post here in the first place...?
i think its going to be hard anyway if your embarking on a relationship with someone who has any issues over your past.
one of the worst things you can do is discuss your sexual past with a new/potential partner.. even if they ask... maybe they are asking because they are insecure. The best thing to do would not be to reveal what went on in the past. It would be the future that you are meant to be concentrating on.
if i knew that the person had some issues over my past, theres no way id tell them the details...
im not bothered whether potential partners have had loads of sex..... as long as they arent still .infected by it (sorry to be blunt) .
surely sexual experience is a plus..... its made me a good shag .... or so i heard .......
I have had a sleep on this and I feel the reason the idea of just not mentioning anything about swinging seems devious and dishonest to me is…
It feels to me to be the equivalent of meeting someone who is a vegetarian and pretending I have never consumed meat. There is the possibility I may choose to become a vegetarian - but could I deny or avoid mentioning I had never indulged in consuming steak, never cooked a beef joint on a Sunday, never ordered a lamb shank, never barbequed pork chops, chicken, burgers… etc,etc….
Is that a sound foundation to build a relationship on?
In swinging terms - where does that leave the friends you have made. The people who you have become close to because of your shared attitude? People you spend time with socially and in some cases even going on holiday with - do they get packed away into the box marked ‘past’ and stuffed into the closet just in case they let slip something which reveals the deception?
The thought of people thinking they would find that the ‘easy’ option does not sit well with me.
Besides - the question was about who would be more likely to have the most difficult conversation when the time came to be open and honest.
Just to help you though…
If you read the original question it asks for opinions on whether people feel it would be easier for a man or a woman to tell a new (non-swinging) partner about their involvement in the swinging scene. It asks for peoples views on whether they feel society has moved on from the ‘he’s a stud and she’s a slapper’ mentality. Whilst I am aware there will be no definitive answer – its aim is to discuss perceptions of the world around us and that world’s general attitude towards swinging based upon our instincts and observations. It does not ask an individual what they think they would do or what would happen to them, just to generally discuss if we feel there would be a difference in the vanilla perception of male and female swingers.