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Has being here taught you anything about yourself?

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Looking back over the reason we first joined this site was to explore another side of life, a life that was alien to me but not one I would judge others embarking upon. I just never felt it would be something I would have the courage to do myself. I had lead a traditional type of lifestyle meeting and marrying my teenage sweetheart and we have been together 32 years.
I have always had an adventurous nature naturally and always open to try new things but not always having the self belief and courage within myself.
What I have learnt more by joining here and talking to many different people is a freedom to express myself and explore many different parts of myself I don't mean just sexually.
Have your learnt anything about yourself being here?
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:
I'm bi - for one. lol
Also confirmed what I always believed (the larger group of comparisons mae this possible) that :
About others -
People who KNOW they are gorgeous don't always make as much effort with me as those that aren't aware how gorgeous they are.
People are gorgeous in so many more ways than you can see with your eyes.
There is always someone worse off, and someone better off, than me.
About myself -
I am attractive to at least some others even though I can't always see why.
I'm greedy.
I'm a suspicious horny cow
I actually considered that I was living a fairly quiet life, by normal swinging heaven (sexually liberal) standards.... apparently not, from what I observe, and am told, here. I also see that there isn't such a thing as "standard behaviour" amongst members.
Have learnt that I'm even too shy to get laid on a fecking swinging site banghead
Quote by Dawnie
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
Bluddy hell where have you sprung from lol
Good to see you xxxx
Fek me! :shock:
'ello Sarge! wave
Quote by flower411
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
He never went to Australia at all ....Minx has had him stashed under her bed for some time !
Shudders at the thought ! :scared:
That there are some really lovely people on this site and some of those people even find me sexy x
Well that I've met some very nice people on here. In one case it was one of the best ptople in my life lol. In others it was just a good shag. And in others it wasn't even that - sometimes my fault not theirs. But most of them were just good peeps - a few weirdos (not bad really) and a few misogs (pain in the arses) but generally people on here are pretty good. I kind of didn't expect that when I joined. So to cut a long story short what I learned about myself was that I am prejudicial about a lot of things and I am slowly unlearning that way of thinking.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
First post in a couple of years and you quote me :inlove:
Good to see you Sarge :kiss:
I have learnt that i'm to trusting and that i seem to attract far more than my fair share of people who are idiots, big headed and time wasters !
I have learnt, that being a BBW is being sexy in some folks eyes, we all have different views on things, also I have learnt to have a giggle with most on here, no matter what you look like, size of you ect
Quote by nellie-mwgc
I have learnt that i'm to trusting and that i seem to attract far more than my fair share of people who are idiots, big headed and time wasters !

I have learned I am nieve and still learning everything the hard way!!
Also I have learned that most people on here dont want to connect with me just shag me lol
Pam xx
Quote by foxylady2209
I'm bi - for one. lol
Also confirmed what I always believed (the larger group of comparisons mae this possible) that :
About others -
People who KNOW they are gorgeous don't always make as much effort with me as those that aren't aware how gorgeous they are.
People are gorgeous in so many more ways than you can see with your eyes.
There is always someone worse off, and someone better off, than me.
About myself -
I am attractive to at least some others even though I can't always see why.
I'm greedy.

Spot on!!!
I could have written this myself lol xxx
Quote by Cubes
I have learnt that i'm to trusting and that i seem to attract far more than my fair share of people who are idiots, big headed and time wasters !

Apart from Cubes of course who is lovely smile xx
Being here has taught me that I am Stunning, awesome, gorgeous... ohh and more than worthy of a few mmmmmmmmmhhh's. Why in the past 20 years these things have never been shouted after me in the street i will never know wink lol
I have learnt, that being a BBW is being sexy in some folks eyes,
THIS ^^ for me, plus also Ive learned that you can make VERY good friends in the most unlikeliest places, and for that I am very grateful indeed :inlove:
Lots. Oh, waaaaaay too many things to go into in any real depth. It's been a voyage of self-discovery and a half and no mistake. Some of them:
I'm not nearly as gay as some of my 'mates' once thought I was ( who oddly have mostly turned out to be gay / bisexual themselves, thereby confirming the old saw about the homophobic! ), or nearly as gay as I once wondered meself. Turns out I'm just bi, exactly as some on here said I was long before I got there all by my little self and was able to admit that to anyone. Probably a bit more bi than they reckoned though, so ha, ya boo sucks!
I'm too trusting, and still quite naive, but you know what? I like that. Better than being the cynical cunt I was turning into, despite an occasional cynical tendency.
Following from the above, a cynical thick skin is sometimes a useful thing to have. Where once I might have cared what people who didn't care about me thought, these days I have a better grasp on the whole giving a flying fuck thing. smile
That some people think I'm really quite fuckable. Still don't quite get that, but hey, I'm not arguing.
Most importantly, that some people like me, almost in spite of meself at times. :)
N x
Quote by neilinleeds
Most importantly, that some people like me

Who dunno
kiss loves ya really NIL
if its too good to be true it is.
dont believe everything you hear.
people in the forum think they are tough hiding behind keyboard but in fact are gutless.
you will get timewasters and dreamers. move on.
if you can keep emotion out of it your a winner.
man pose as couples on cam are always wanking and you never see the woman.
people look much different in person than in pictures.
single guys are the scum of the swinging world and hated by all. understand this and your fine.
no matter what anyone says you are you. do not change anything about yourself to please others.
people in marriage cheat.
never trust anyone with your could end up on someone elses profile or the internet.
only have friends you have met on your friends list.
do not get your hopes up or you will suffer disappointment.
the people you have as friends will be there in the dark times. then you soon find out who your friends really are.
curvy woman are better in and out of bed than skinny ones.
Having been here for some years i have certainly become a different person than the one that joined here way back in time out of the shere need for company, and dare i say it attention.
Life has thrown up some challenges during this time and i am so glad i had the swinging community to help me through. I honestly believe i would have gone totally nuts else.
I have met and made some good friends ( as well as the odd nutcase along the way) and discovered some home truths about myself.
Never being one to trust people, i have finally started to put my cynical side back in its box and enjoy life for myself more. Being behind my computor screen has had its advantages. It has helped build up my confidence and to discover that we all have needs however different they may be. I am not so quick to judge people nowadays, there is always a reason behind who we are, its how we deal with it that's important. (Saying that i still don't suffer fools so gladly lol)
I have also learnt i no longer need please everyone regardless, nor do i worry about saying no when i don't want to something. People will only take advantage if you let them.
So thanks for the ride folks its been an education smile
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
Blimey there is a blast from the past. :welcome:
Quote by flower411
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
He never went to Australia at all ....Minx has had him stashed under her bed for some time !
Well he did say he went down and under. lol
I do allow him out on high days and holidays only if he is good.
Quote by flower411
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
He never went to Australia at all ....Minx has had him stashed under her bed for some time !
Now that's what I call "taking one for the team"! :lol2: