There are two statues, standing looking longingly at one another. Butt because they have been there looking longinly at each other for 100 years an archangel cums down one nite too see them! Write u2 it say`s, because u have been here for 100 ys`s u can come 2 life toonite for one half of one which time u can do anything u want. They look at each other`s naked forms and holding hand`s they run over the road into the Park!! There is a lot of russtleing in the bushes!! Giggling as well!! and finally the 2 naked statues emerge with ear 2 ear grin`s after 15 minute`s. Did u enjoy that? ask`s the Archangel. YES wos the resounding answer from the couple. WELL said the archangel! u have 15 minute`s left. wood u like to try something else?? or pherhap`s u wood like 2 try THAT again?? The male statue grab`s the Girl statue bye the hand , But she resist`s!!?? WOT¬S THE MATTER PETT???? after a slight blush she COO`s All right, we`ll do it again! BUT!!! this thymne.. You can hold the BLOODY PIDGEON DOWN< AND I`LL SHIT ON IT`S HEAD!!!!!?????xxxx SORRY U GUY`s JUST A JOKE EHH?