Its brilliant sunshine in N Yorks and its just started snowing
Or am I dreaming ? :giggle:
If I wake up and this post isnt here ........... I know I've been dreaming
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
Superkings :smoke:
and its still snowing and very very sunny !!!
and now I know I am not asleep :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by meat2pleaseu
can't believe you're even bothering to askwhat next? 'have i lost my virginity?'
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Are you sure you were given some marbles? I've been here since a week before eternity started and i've not noticed you with any before :shock: sure your not getting them mixed up with knickers???
of course you're not, what am i thinking, you've never had any knickers. maybe you'll find your marbles inside your knickers when you get them
(i believe they are issued when you get your pension book, so it shouldn't be too long)
Quote by meat2pleaseu
....... and I will never speak to you again now
Quote by blonde
so who's are the marbles?