Quote by BerryBelinda
There are countries that would like to see Israel obliterated even long before their war with Lebanon.....Israel will never be able to talk even if they found peace with Palestine, to these countries,they just don't want to know....Does Israel have the right to defend its self by whatever means nessessary?
Of course it doesn't. If that was aimed at me (because I admitted I am Jewish), then let me state quite clearly that I am against what they are doing to Lebanon. All war is wrong - I am not hypocritical enough to support them because i share their religion.
Don't flatter yourself......i knew you were Jewish before you even posted the fact.
I used this nation as an example......terrorist's only solution to peace in the mddle east is to wipe Israel from the face of the earth....not something Israel could really sit down and talk about at the negoiating table is it!