Have you ever been in a 'relationship' which you knew was...wrong?
How did you deal with it? Did you end it because you knew you shouldn't see them?
What if you couldn't end it? If you could go back in time would you wish that you had never clapped eyes on one another or would you do it all again? Did you weigh up the consequences and disregard them?
For sure - too many to mention. As someone who still can't draw hard lines between friends and lovers, I have had more than my fair share of unconventional relationships that *others* felt were wrong. And then some relationships that while not wrong were not right, because of bad personality match, ego, or circumstance.
But why is "relationship" in inverted commas?
Not really had my fair share of unconventional relationships. It was the one conventional relationship I've had that ended up so very "wrong!".
Yep, I was in one of those...but still got engaged to her and bought her a house. One week later she ended it and kept the house haha.
How did I deal with it? Not sure I have dealt with it...and that was over 2 years ago!