I haven't, but I've only had a mug shot on for a little while and I web cammed for about a month before I bust my cam. However I did meet a lady in Lincs. whom I'd seen on cam and after some deliberation I introduced myself. It was tricky, because, not only was she at work, but I couldn't look at her profile to know anything about her. Anyway I was very discreet, and the questions I asked were about her partner, really to confirm she had a partner. We all met later for a quit drink and a chat without ever getting sticky. It was pleasant, we exchanged stories of our experiences and had a good laugh. They weren't looking for a guy, either of them, but promised to let me know if they changed their minds, or if they ever issued party invites. It was fun and We still say hi in the chatroom occasionally.
sent a reply to couple thought i have seen the woman before,
week later see her working in local cafe, we just smiled ,