Have you ever done something that ought to have got you into huge amounts of trouble if people ever discovered you had done it?????
Several years ago... in a large multi-storey car park...... i reversed my car straight into the back of another car..... i got out looked at the damage and promptly exited stage left at some speed....
Their exhaust was somewhat further up into the car's chassis than perhaps it ought to have been........and there was a dent in one or two places...... lol
Now having the benefit of being a few years older... there is no way i would ever dream of doing such a wicked thing.......... lol
So what are you going to admit to???????????????????
equi-princess xxx
I had a traffic light in the living room in my flat years ago.
Someone must have demolished it earlier in the evening.
Anyway we, in a drunken stupor, ripped the wires out and took it home.
The next party we had - we wired the thing up and it worked a treat!
Only strikes me now - that the lights were right near the police station - and my flat just round the corner!
eeeee the things you do when you are drunken teenager eh?
Couldn't possibly admit to things on here......far too many and not always very clever - think one of the worst was several of us drunkenly swimming out to a small speedboat in a harbour in the south-west and the thing sank - we awoke the next day to find a crane lifting the boat from the bottom of the sea!!
Terrible and makes me ashamed to look back!
I took an entire garden furniture set (it was cheap plastic) from the front garden of a house. The only thing was it belonged to one of the most notorious families around here, most of whom are now in prison, so not the best people to rob from.
when i was a student in Edinburgh me and a couple of my mates had been out on the jazz at some pubs and clubs as you do........ on the way home we cut up this little passageway next to a "sauna" which had a rep as being a bit of a knocking shop. We decided it would be funny to jump the fence into the back garden and went on to pinch att the towels, sheets etc of the washing line! seemed a good idea at the time till we got up in the morning saw the pile of sheets and realised where they had come from! would you want to use a sheet/towel from a brothel? no! well neither did two of us, the other guy thaught it was great and never had to worry bout towels again for the duration of his course.......... hehe
I stole some road work signs and them put them accross a mates drive for when he came in from work. He wasn't amused :lol2:
On a round about having had a few, I moved signposts so they all pointed the wrong way.
I once smashed someone wing mirror thingy and drove away.
I've flicked dog shit back into someones garden :smug:
No good at that stuff, guilt always get the better off me. Did the same as equi but went back two days later apologised and paid. Although there is a window at a certain workplace with a hole shaped roughly like my bum, which I never owned up too.... if I had there may have been a few more questions