I'm no expert, but to me, the fact that you have asked, speaks volumes.
If you are having misgivings now, I wonder would those feelings evaporate or increase, should it happen? Shouldn't the experience be as much for your pleasure too?
Good luck with it, however it goes!
If you're both up for MFF then that's cool, however, introducing an Ex, especially where one of you feels uncomfortable, doesn't sound like a great idea. (it may be an easy option for Mr, but is the ex as uncomfortable as you are for instance?)
Maybe it would be better to decide what you want from a 3rd person and head for that as a fresh perspective, with none of the emotional baggage attached to past relationships.
It may work with an ex, and those that have done so may be able to offer more sage advice, but on the surface, with the information given, if you are at all unhappy with something, then don't do it!!
Hope that helps...
Mr Hugs
Yeah dont do it !!
We waited for a year for our first mff and wondered whether it was all worth it as seemed we were missing out. After good advice from people saying similar to HUGS1 we let the anxiety slide and then what happens along comes a mff from a super cpl and that was that. Sort of just happened.
I think one problem that we cerainly suffered was when starting out its so exciting that you wanna try all do all as soon as possible explore all the possibilities quickly. But, i thin.k That, may in some peoples minds seem as though a little desperate and most definately awkward.
First cpl who introduced Mrs Lost into MFF (they know who they are) we met months before anything took place. When it did it, was right, god knows if it was for did say they enjoyed. Really made a difference to the way we looked and thought
about. sharing - totally sharing and giving with no regrets at, it was an enlightening experience. Oh, yeah and bloody good too. Great sex! though nervy to start for the missus. And, myself who was looking on.
Since then things just sort of fit into place and its not as strange a place as it was prior too. things just work out. Your self doubt is more than likely not warrented. Chill it'll all be ok though your thoughts until will invariably tell you different.
Think about how maybe your partner would feel if you brought an ex into your bedroom for sex. Hmmmm maybe make him think. To me this yells out for a no. Whatever your decision i hope it works for you and you enjoy all you can.
Good words by Hugs1 and herts
best of all things
Personally i would never let that happen. :shock: The point of swinging for us is that theres no emotional involvment with the people we swing with. We may have friends in the swinging community but the involvment stops there. I think there would be a bit of jealousy and insecurity there even though we have a rock solid relationship but thats human nature. I think its a very personal choice and seeing as you are not too keen already its maybe not the best thing to do, but only you can decide, not us, not him, only you.
louise xx
thanks for all your great advise, it has summed up how i feel about it generally i guess i just needed that second opinion to make sure i wasnt making the decision through jealousy or whatever,
The ex is question is actually very interested (which also makes me wonder why)
carry on good friends
ERM, do you really need our help on this one Tan, no fucking way honey, thats a line i wouldnot cross, is mr srne even suggested getting an ex girlfriend round id cut his balls off :shock:
ouch, hope Mr srne reads this before suggesting something he will live to regret!!!
not fooking likely :shock:
NOOOOOO! :shock:
There is always baggage, and the problems it could cause later could undermine your relationship permanently.
Tell him you want a MFM with one of your ex boyfriends and see how that goes down :shock: :shock:
Absolutely not!!......bringing an "ex" into a threesome.......is nothing but a recipe for disaster,wether it was yours or his......you have to ask yourself why they want to do it anyway?
thanks again for all your replies glad to know im not going mad
Have you? No
Would you? No
Why? Because I would be very uneasy about it
Why not? Because Stormy would have had a relationship with her before and they would have shared something special which excludes me. I would feel at a disadvantage immediately. Swinging is'nt about relationships in the emotional way so bringing an ex emotional relationship into a swinging situation would not work for me on any level.
Fire x
Thanks everyone have now told him its a definate no go and i wont change my mind