At this point... I realised I've hijacked someone else's thread so I've split it, AND...
Lest my actions be viewed as ageist...
This young man had struck out many, many times with my daughter. He's sniffed around the girl across the road and the one that works in the chippy.
Something told him I'd be better odds.... little fool!
We all gotta start somewhere... but attempting to knock off the mum of the girl that turned you down is clumsey.
Got a shock, though, didn't he! :grin:
He is probably still hiding in his room, Mum knocking on his door asking him why he doesnt want any breakfast!
And if he'd had the necessary 7"??? :shock:
I'm in awe of your composure and quick thinking!
Hugs, Alex x x
Woah, would I ever like to have been a fly on the wall there. Nice one Heather! :smile2: :smile2: :thrilled:
very funny!!!
any chance I could go out with ur daughter though? Nice nearly 20 year old guy that I am?? lol
Well I am appalled H
think you are a nasty mean woman, who deserves a good spanking! - and next time we get together - you can be sure you will get one!
Now, being fair, everyone should get a chance to have a go, so does anyone want to toss me for the honour?
Ah, but what would you have done if he'd got his "todger" out and been in excess of 7".
Now that would be more interesting!
:confused2: Heather !!!! From what i have seen what male could resist!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx And be a man
Careful Heather; all these young kids these days are only taught metric. He might have thought you meant 7cm...
lol!!! he did the best thing.... you might have broken him by the morning! Imagine having to dispose of a spent 18yo in the morning... like do you leave him with the bins or take him to the dump?
To the ones that replied to me I have no idea what ur going on about.
yeah I was joking, tho u never know, if her daughter is looking for a bf, why not??