The plan:
Go to airport to pick up aunt and 2 cousins (boy 15, Girl 14) who had just arrived from the US. :welcome:
Drop them off to be with the relatives.
Drive straight to the Leicester Munch, which happens to be my first Munch and which I am looking forward to very much.
Drink several pints of cold lager
Mingle with all of the lovely SH'ers
Dance like a fool :crazy:
Try to gently convince the cute couple in the corner that they need a guy for the afters party. :bounce:
Enjoy myself immensly.
What actually happened:
Got to airport on time, had to wait for American relatives to pick up their bagagge.
Get on the road to drop them off, have to brake hard to avoid a crash in front of us.
Get hit from behind when the guy behind the guy behind me hit the guy behind me, who in turn hit me.
Check everyone is OK
Try to exchange details with an Indian man who has doesn't speak English and, I am pretty sure does not have insurance (stop laughing, you lot)
Wait for a hour for the tow truck to come and get us.
Spend another hour in the tow truck listening to the (typical) Yanks telling me that their roads are much safer, that their pick-up people would have provided a rental car, that their SUV would have survived a crash like that, that their blah, blah, blah. (I said stop laughing damnit!)
Get home and realise that my neck is starting to get very sore.
Spend the next hour and a half in the local (thank god) A&E waiting to be told that I have whiplash (which I already know!)
Sat here typing this thread, with a neck-brace on, no booze in the house, and knowing that everyone is having such a good time in Leicester.
(OK, laugh if you want. I might find it funny tomorrow)
What a sh*t day! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I could really do with a cuddle.