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having awful luck at this! please help!!

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hi my name is dan and i have been told i am good looking by men and women but whenevr i want to meet up with anyone down south they say that my age is an issue , so i would like to hear from anyone who swings that thinks the age is fine to reply, thanks dan
Hi Dan from Dan
A few more details wouldn't go amiss eg. your age ?? :doh:
Everyone will be more than helpful, I am sure, but you have got to provide them with something to work on !!
I am sure you will be OK stick with it dude
Cheers Dan wink
P.S. :welcome:
sorry my fault completey i am 19 years old 6ft2 have a toned medium body and black hair,
hi dan_d
ive had the experience of older guys and yng guys. its happened with both, but i find sometimes yng guys can think its all about pounding away, and can have a big head on their soulders thinking cuse their yng, tight body etc that meens they dont have to work at it sexually.
like dan says hang in there, its not only older people than you who are on here.
enjoy the site and make friends, or prove your like all the try hards and bugger off when you havent got your own way in 5 mins flat .
thanks alot, i know what you mean and thats the problem other younger swingers before me have thought its all about the pounding but sex for me is so much more than that its the whole experience the feelings you get from it, and i will stick in there as i have faith, dan xxxx
Hi dan
Just to share my view is that age is not important as long as everyone likes u for who u are. biggrin :D
yeah i think it can be hard for the young guys coz its all peole wh are oldera nd wnating people their age and that.
I'm a young guy to and not having much luck.
But I would say ladies that not all young guys are about pounding away. I myself love foreplay and orla on the owman and will partake in that for a lot longer then most guys my age. I love it and its important to me to please the woman rather then myself.
I very rarely post in these types of threads quite simply because it just seems like advertising myself (which I do not like to do).
The theme of younger guys willing to do whatever the lady wants can get quite repetitive. Not once are the 'knowing' what the lady wants. It is all about wanting to learn. You should really have a good idea ot begin with and then adapt your own style to the individual lady you are with. It has nothing to do with age persay more about the level of maturity towards sex and other people.
I must admit that a lot of young guys may have the right attitude but are just unfortunate at being able to show it through emails or chat rooms. This is were the friendship of the forum can come into place. Let your personality shine, if/when people get to like you, then you will find being able to meet with others are a lot easier and more of a pleasure. You will be meeting friends and not 'random people'.
Just my thought. I know others have there own views and contradict mine but I like that.
Going back to your question. How are you approaching the scene? Are you going throught the adds? Chatroom? Parties? Clubs? Dogging? They are all different situations and require a good understanding of ettiquette before, during and after everything that happens.
Hi all, ... I have visited the site a number of times and joined a couple of weeks ago in the hope that I might meet up with a soul mate? This is my first post so please be help me if I go wrong.
I am the wrong side of 50 and am happily married to a wonderfully Woman, Mother and Friend... some 4 years ago She underwent an almost fatal surgery which has left her very disabled. (I won't elaborate further). So from both of us having a crazy spontaneous and varied sex life where anything with the exception of Pain, filth and humility, was on the menue...we find that she (the wife) has no desire or libido left, and nor will she ever get it back.......For 4 years I have tried to come to terms with this, I still have a roaring libido with no outlet.... I guess that there are a number of males out there who have the same problem....But they are hard to fine and unlikely to talk about the problem. So here I am looking for some sort of sexual life again. My wife has already suggested that I find someone's help and to date I have never tried....But here goes.
What am I looking for?
Well, what I am NOT looking for is a Quick Shag! I would like to first meet someone on the net PM or use MSN Messenger, To get to know who ever it is. No necessity for Cybering
Just to chat and talk, least till we get to know each other. If there is a lady out there I'd like her to be attractive and totally in touch with herself both in mind and body Age? 30 -45 is it does not matter really.
What do I have to offer : I have experience, the knowledge of how to pleasure, and the time to enjoy everything!
If there is someone out that who would like to give me a PM and a try... Please do so. I would also like to get some feed back from you all, as I am not sure of how this post will go down.
Finally, having read this PLEASE do not write me off as another screwy middle aged male looking to get his rocks off......that is certainly so much further from the point
Thank all
Mike O
Hi Mike - a very brave post there.
Welcome to the site and good luck in your search, I do hope that you find what you need here.
Hiya everyone introducing yourselves.
For those that bemoan their luck - Who was the golfer who said "Funny, the more I practice, the luckier I get."?
Quote by KitKat
For those that bemoan their luck - Who was the golfer who said "Funny, the more I practice, the luckier I get."?

Yes, but to practice you need a club and a ball - lol. ;)
Quote by KitKat
Hiya everyone introducing yourselves.
For those that bemoan their luck - Who was the golfer who said "Funny, the more I practice, the luckier I get."?

The man that dressed in black..... Gary Player
Jagas....... Many thanks for you encouragement....Its appreciated
Further to my last.......! Having read a number of threads on the subject of Meeting People and letting them know who, what and where...I find my last missive slightly lacking in the Who and What category?
Ok.. Who am I... I am a civil servant living in North Wales, employed by an National government Agency, I have been here for some 20 years and have grown roots in the local community. As I have already said, I am on the wrong side of 50, but that will not matter when you meet and get to know me. I keep reasonably in trim. I cycle some 20-30 miles a week and have lost 3 stone in the last 6 months, having about 1 stone to reach my preferred weight.
My tastes in music are wide ranging, basically, I like anything that has a tune and that I can hear the lyrics to. In the past I have sung with a four part harmony (Acappela) group, tho that wa a while ago. At the present I am enjoying Katie Melua, Norah Jones and Haley Westenra, I could add to them with Carpenters, Simon and Garfunkel and the Everly Brothers! The the classics.... You name it I like it.
My politics are middle of the road and personal hates are Rudeness, Arrogance and
Uncleanliness or Bores, there are no excused for any of these traits! I believe in good old fashioned manners, standing up when a Lady being introduced to and when she enters a room, vacating my seat for her, in a crowded room etc. If thats patronizing then ,Yes I'm old fashioned
What am I looking for?... Well to start with Its not a wife!... I am looking for a soul mate, someone that I can get to know, that will listed (no I dint want a councilor I've had one of those) Someone that I can talk to without coming to a brick wall, someone that is able to empathies, to be able to laugh, cry and enjoy small things with......Nothing heavy I promise.
I would like to be able to lie with someone, to enjoy that special smell and touch that only a female can provide, to pleasure and be pleasured in return......I'm sure you are now in the picture.
If there is a Lady out there who would consider taking me on ? Please, PM me, I promise you won't be disappointed..... A photograph will be forthcoming with every reply.
Finally, there will be the usual skeptic's out there who say 'Oh Yeah'....... I can't stop what you think or your opinions, but those who think like that.... you are so wrong. I am not her for a 'Wam Bam thank you Mam'. If that is what I wanted I be down the local Disco.
What ever you think.....Take care... and If you have a God....may she or he go with you.
Mike O
Ps..... I am also in touch with my feminine side.... I ALWAYS put the toilet seat down when I'm finished!! :shock:
Quote by Archangel
I myself love foreplay and orla on the owman and will partake in that for a lot longer then most guys my age.

Wow Archangel, despite your lack of years you are able to do things that I have never heard of, and , it appears, for longer than most people your age. What ever it is, Well Done!!! confused :? :? :? :? :? wink :wink: :wink:
Mike O wave :wave: :wave:
Welcome to SH. I would advise you to spend some time here getting to know the inmates whilst giving us the opportunity to get to know you. Who knows what may happen!!
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by dan_d_lion
hi my name is dan and i have been told i am good looking by men and women but whenevr i want to meet up with anyone down south they say that my age is an issue , so i would like to hear from anyone who swings that thinks the age is fine to reply, thanks dan

Actually Dan, it could be the fact you work in insurance which puts them off and they want to let you down gently :grin:
Keep trying mate, you'll get there.
Sgt Bilko..... Thanks for the advice......Trouble is that I have never done any swinging, tho once did have a session of same room sex with my wife and another couple, have to say that we both found it a turn on but unfortunatly the other female freaked out about it later and the chance never arrose again. I guess we were simular to 99.9% of others who have fantisied about it together but never either had the courage or the oportunity to actually take part.
I have to say that Fem_4_two, has hopefull put her finger on it,(sorry about the pun) least as far as I am concerned....that good sex is all about Quality and definatly not about Quantity, unless, you are both gagging for it, then I guess its different.
I have always enjoyed the giving, to me a woman should have at least 2 if not many more big O's before I can expect be satisfied.. and It shouldn't cease there... How amy times do you read, on forums like this, that the male of the species lets themself down...especiall having given an excellent account of himself upto the final climax and promptly has a fag, lies back and thinks, because he is spent that the female is also..... or even worse... Falls asleep..... mad Wake up lads there is so much more to making love than just getting your rocks off. It should be pleasureable for both.......My motto is 'Go for it, leave'em wanting to come back for more.....not wishing there could have been morein the first place'
I guess I can expect some incoming on this thread....If only from the lads
BTW the 'O' has nothing to do this Oral, Just the first letter of my Surname.....! rolleyes