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Healthy lifestyle

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Ok I know we've covered similar topics before.. but I'm really miserable.., :cry:
I've joined a gym (which I'm loving and feel much better for it) but I've been told my love of pasta is clogging up my insides. I've just in the last half hour had a bowl of wholemeal pasta with tuna...blegh! it's horrible!
I've been told in order to be healthy I must stick to this less carb/more protein regime and I feel like crawling under my quilt and staying there.
Does anyone out there actually enjoy the healthier lifestyle?
I think its important to realise what you are like. Some people make a valiant start with exercise and diets, but they may choose the wrong options.
For example I know one woman who went onto a rigorous whole food diet, but actually had atrocious teeth which just crumbled under the amount of work they had to do.
Some people come out of gyms feeling quite fit, but wouldn't last a day doing some heavy labouring, say on a building site. Its a different kind of use of strength and stamina.
So as long as you are getting some proper help along the way, you will always feel much better.
Quote by duncanlondon
I think its important to realise what you are like. Some people make a valiant start with exercise and diets, but they may choose the wrong options.
For example I know one woman who went onto a rigorous whole food diet, but actually had atrocious teeth which just crumbled under the amount of work they had to do.
Some people come out of gyms feeling quite fit, but wouldn't last a day doing some heavy labouring, say on a building site. Its a different kind of use of strength and stamina.
So as long as you are getting some proper help along the way, you will always feel much better.

Thanks Duncan, there's personal trainers dotted all around the Gym with good advice, but it's just the taste of the wholewheat stuff/brown rice... I'm sick of chicken already! :crazy:
I suppose it's like everything else, we have to try and get used to it.
I think people take the wrong attitude to exercise. It's not just about losing weight. It's about investing in your body for your old age.
Exercise (in whatever form) helps your body keep healthy. It pumps blood round. The heart only pumps blood to the top half of your body it is musclur movement that moves the blood to the lower half. Your lymphatic system pumps anti-bodies round and removes waste materials, this is also operated by muscular movement. Therefore exercise keeps your body healthy now and is a long term investment in your old age. biggrin
The key to this is moderation. You're not going to change your eating habbits overnight. You don't have to eat bland food for it to be good for you, if you don't like what they've told you to eat, try something else that's equally good that you might like. In the long run if you want to be healthy, a balanced diet is the way to go, don't tell yourself you can't have things that are bad for you, just have less of them. Most of us eat far too much processed food and our taste buds get used to the excess of sugar and salt in things. I find wholemeal spagetti much nicer than a lot of other wholemeal pastas even though its the same stuff. Try oatcakes instead of bread too. I'm affraid I'm one of the few people who actually likes healthy food, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a plate of chips or rediculously unhealthy sweets.
My lifestyle consisted of getting up at about midnight, mooching around until 530am, leaving for the gym, walking to the gym for opening at 630am, staying at the gym for about 3 hours ish, walking home again, mooching around a bit and the going home. Now THATS a healthy lifestyle rolleyes
Over the last 2 months I've converted to the dedicated healthy lifestyle and it's paid off a treat. I've come down from a tight 38" to a comfortable 36" waist in about 6 weeks. OK, I could always just about carry the larger girth as I'm tall and big-boned, but I feel so much better in my mind now I've lost some kilos. I've still got a bit to go, but I was told by a woman over the weekend that I've got a good body, so that made me feel top notch. I'd say stick to the healthy and feel the benefits. Plus, it does actually become enjoyable, eventually.
Quote by jaymar
but it's just the taste of the wholewheat stuff/brown rice... I'm sick of chicken already! :crazy:
I suppose it's like everything else, we have to try and get used to it.

Well there's no point in trying to stick to a diet that consists of foods that you really don't like, because you'll probably not stick to it. Maybe ask at the gym for substitutes for the brown rice and pasta. Healthy food doesnt have to be boring food. One of the easiest ways of eating heathly is to fill up on fruit and veg (but not potatoes, parsnips and peas). I do enjoy healthy food but don't think you have to eat only healthy stuff, you are allowed a treat now and again but just in moderation.
Try to avoid things with creamy sauces on them but if you're getting sick of chicken why not have salmon instead, which is one thing I eat loads of, and is lovely wrapped in a piece of parma ham and baked in the oven for 20 mins and then served with steamed veg. And if you want to have a pud, why not half the portion size of it and then have a bowl of raspberries and blueberrys as well. biggrin
You're not going to totally change you eating habbits overnight so why not just try to adjust your current eating habbits towards the healthier options, and I'm sure after a while you'll feel great and wonder why you found it so hard in the first place.
Quote by jaymar
Ok I know we've covered similar topics before.. but I'm really miserable.., :cry:
I've joined a gym (which I'm loving and feel much better for it) but I've been told my love of pasta is clogging up my insides. I've just in the last half hour had a bowl of wholemeal pasta with tuna...blegh! it's horrible!
I've been told in order to be healthy I must stick to this less carb/more protein regime and I feel like crawling under my quilt and staying there.
Does anyone out there actually enjoy the healthier lifestyle?

Just get yourself on to a diet of haggis, square sausage, black pudding and Irn-Bru. Within a month you will be as fit as a fiddle.....honestly smile
Save your pasta dish for a once a week treat. If youre hating the brown stuff- just don't eat it!
The biggest shift for us was the move away from processed foods. We didn't eat massive amounts, but when we totally cut it out we lost loads of weight & felt so much better. It's a slow process, but in a couple of weeks you'll discover how real food really tastes. I can now quite happily sit & eat a plate full of steamed veg & nowt else- I love the flavours & textures. I still scoff my way through sausage & chips every now & then though. I don't deprive myself of anything- it only makes you want it more.
As for the gym, it's great that you're enjoying it. However, if your attention does start to wane try an exercise intense hobby. My Martial Arts pastime is not for everyone, but for example dance classes can be fun & really work up a sweat!
Good luck, you'll get there! kiss
My dad has just been told he needs to go on a low fat and low salt diet. Something to do with blood pressure and cholestral (sp).
When we were shopping for foodstuff, we looked at the wholemeal pasta, as the doctor advised this stuff. When I compared the packs, there was very little different in salt and fat levels to the normal pasta. So we bought the tricoloured pasta. Around a third less fat and salt in it. Plus it can help count towards your 5 a day as it uses spinach and tomato for colouring.
Jaymar, for every health expert that tells you a low carb diet is best, another will tell you its the worse. Its about eating a little of what you fancy. Like Winchwench said, if you dont like it - dont eat it. How sucessful are you gonna be if you dont like what your eating?!
healthy schmealthy! pass the choocie, mother!!!
Quote by H-x
The key to this is moderation. You're not going to change your eating habbits overnight. You don't have to eat bland food for it to be good for you, if you don't like what they've told you to eat, try something else that's equally good that you might like. In the long run if you want to be healthy, a balanced diet is the way to go, don't tell yourself you can't have things that are bad for you, just have less of them. Most of us eat far too much processed food and our taste buds get used to the excess of sugar and salt in things. I find wholemeal spagetti much nicer than a lot of other wholemeal pastas even though its the same stuff. Try oatcakes instead of bread too. I'm affraid I'm one of the few people who actually likes healthy food, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a plate of chips or rediculously unhealthy sweets.

Thanks H, as a rule I do actually like salads, stirfry etc, but every month around the 3rd week I hoof the carbs like nobody's business it's shocking really. I hate chips and greasy fry ups, if we are away for a weekend I always opt for fresh fruit salad and cereal or toast for brekkie, all the grease makes me feel sick.
On a downside, I need bread as a filler therefore sandwiches for lunch however healthy the filling, so thankyou I'll try the oatcakes and see if they make a difference. lol
Quote by winchwench
Save your pasta dish for a once a week treat. If youre hating the brown stuff- just don't eat it!
The biggest shift for us was the move away from processed foods. We didn't eat massive amounts, but when we totally cut it out we lost loads of weight & felt so much better. It's a slow process, but in a couple of weeks you'll discover how real food really tastes. I can now quite happily sit & eat a plate full of steamed veg & nowt else- I love the flavours & textures. I still scoff my way through sausage & chips every now & then though. I don't deprive myself of anything- it only makes you want it more.
As for the gym, it's great that you're enjoying it. However, if your attention does start to wane try an exercise intense hobby. My Martial Arts pastime is not for everyone, but for example dance classes can be fun & really work up a sweat!
Good luck, you'll get there! kiss

Aaaw thankyou petal.. my advisor said the best way to put me off white pasta and bread was to take a load of it, soak it in water roll into a ball and throw at a wall - the horror is that it sticks to the wall and apparently does the same in your stomachs! :shock:
Quote by goram1979
Ok I know we've covered similar topics before.. but I'm really miserable.., :cry:
I've joined a gym (which I'm loving and feel much better for it) but I've been told my love of pasta is clogging up my insides. I've just in the last half hour had a bowl of wholemeal pasta with tuna...blegh! it's horrible!
I've been told in order to be healthy I must stick to this less carb/more protein regime and I feel like crawling under my quilt and staying there.
Does anyone out there actually enjoy the healthier lifestyle?

Just get yourself on to a diet of haggis, square sausage, black pudding and Irn-Bru. Within a month you will be as fit as a fiddle.....honestly smile
You're Scottish right? I was brought up on square sausage as my Granny is Scottish.. happy days ! lol
Quote by poshkate
Well there's no point in trying to stick to a diet that consists of foods that you really don't like, because you'll probably not stick to it. Maybe ask at the gym for substitutes for the brown rice and pasta.

I will do thanks hun xxxx
Quote by keeno
I think people take the wrong attitude to exercise. It's not just about losing weight. It's about investing in your body for your old age.

Very true, I'm doing this now for my future health, I don't actually care if I lose weight (although it'll be nice of course) but I'm feeling unwell, sluggish and yukky, I don't sleep well and want to improve on all of that!
Quote by jaymar
Ok I know we've covered similar topics before.. but I'm really miserable.., :cry:
I've joined a gym (which I'm loving and feel much better for it) but I've been told my love of pasta is clogging up my insides. I've just in the last half hour had a bowl of wholemeal pasta with tuna...blegh! it's horrible!
I've been told in order to be healthy I must stick to this less carb/more protein regime and I feel like crawling under my quilt and staying there.
Does anyone out there actually enjoy the healthier lifestyle?

Just get yourself on to a diet of haggis, square sausage, black pudding and Irn-Bru. Within a month you will be as fit as a fiddle.....honestly smile
You're Scottish right? I was brought up on square sausage as my Granny is Scottish.. happy days ! lol
I swear that when i arrive at the golden gates of heaven there will be an endless supply of rolls on square sausage waiting for the stuff and have never understood why it isnt popular in England confused
Quote by Sassy-Seren
healthy schmealthy! pass the choocie, mother!!!

smackbottom that's not going to help me!!! lol
If you are not enjoying eating the stuff, then stop rolleyes
Perhaps have it once a week or so, there are plenty of other foods out there, salads and stuff.
Your aim is to minimise poor foods and maximise good foods, you also need to enjoy what you eat.
Stay away from chocolate and sugary creamy stuff.
Quote by m1970
If you are not enjoying eating the stuff, then stop rolleyes
Perhaps have it once a week or so, there are plenty of other foods out there, salads and stuff.
Your aim is to minimise poor foods and maximise good foods, you also need to enjoy what you eat.
Stay away from chocolate and sugary creamy stuff.

Yep, I thought I'd give it a good go tho as sometimes you can adjust to new things... I'm going to give the wholemeal spaghetti a go rather than the pasta shells and I'll keep away from all creamy stuff (well nearly all creamy stuff.. redface lol )
I am an absolute pasta freak too !!!
I cant do the brown stuff (it tastes yukk and also plays havoc with my tum too)
I tend to make my own sauces with very lean meat and also drain the fat, never use cream, but lots of herbs etc.
If its a home made lasagna - now thats fat lol - so, i tend to have a square with a big french salad.
Overall, i do eat sensibly but not because of figure etc, its because i actually like the food. Although, nothing is out of bounds, just in moderation.
The carb week - well, i just carb out, it stops the horns appearing lol
I would say, go with what you like in moderation and try to add healthier alternatives, otherwise, its a diet and diets do not work!!! n' chips for me...but in moderation,it's not what you eat but how you burn it the way hi to everyone,i'm paul and i'm back after a little while(no i'm not a notw reporter)and for anyone who remebers me....hi lol
Quote by Bigpaul45 n' chips for me...but in moderation,it's not what you eat but how you burn it the way hi to everyone,i'm paul and i'm back after a little while(no i'm not a notw reporter)and for anyone who remebers me....hi lol

I remember you Paul.. welcome back xx
Quote by Juniper_couple
I am an absolute pasta freak too !!!
I cant do the brown stuff (it tastes yukk and also plays havoc with my tum too)
I tend to make my own sauces with very lean meat and also drain the fat, never use cream, but lots of herbs etc.
If its a home made lasagna - now thats fat lol - so, i tend to have a square with a big french salad.
Overall, i do eat sensibly but not because of figure etc, its because i actually like the food. Although, nothing is out of bounds, just in moderation.
The carb week - well, i just carb out, it stops the horns appearing lol
I would say, go with what you like in moderation and try to add healthier alternatives, otherwise, its a diet and diets do not work!!!

and you have a figure to die for! :lol:
Im soooo pleased to hear it's not just me who gets hormonal carb cravings confused It has to be a chip butty for me though,Sopping with vinegar! :lickface:
Quote by winchwench
Im soooo pleased to hear it's not just me who gets hormonal carb cravings confused It has to be a chip butty for me though,Sopping with vinegar! :lickface:

ooh yes, or a cheese pastie! (and normally I hate pastry!) lol
I was going to say something very profound and sensible but juniper's new avatar has got me all of a quiver confused
I need a cold shower sillyhwoar: :rascal:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I need a cold shower sillyhwoar: :rascal:

Let me know when you're done and i'll come warm you up kiss :grin:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I was going to say something very profound and sensible but juniper's new avatar has got me all of a quiver confused
I need a cold shower sillyhwoar: :rascal:

I'm with you on this one, if I attempted to put that outfit on it would disappear into the oblivion of rolls! lol