Can anyone tell me what constitutes a heavy cummer, is it a cup full. an egg cup full,a tablespoon full or even a teaspoon full, any guidance. I actually cum different ammounts at different times
I dunno. Sorry.
I always feel like there is much more when I'm swallowing it than when, for example, I see the amount in a condom. But I reckon that's probably just an instant reaction thing.
:doh: I am making no sense.
The reason Frecklebird is some peeps advertize for heavy cummers Wot is heavy
I never weighed mine to see if its heavy or not :giggle:
Tony ;-)
It's certainly not an attractive quality from where I'm sitting! :giggle:
Well since my stay in chernobyl.........
So i take it no one really knows, wot about you guys that ask for these HEAVEY CUMMERS
i always wonder about this.
sometimes i cum loads. sometimes almost nothing. and there is no rhyme or reason to it. i can wank 3 times in a day and cum loads each time or not cum for 2-3 days have a wank and barely manage a trickle...
*wank covers all forms of sex
Agreed Brucie, however the real question should be:
Is it posible to be a Heavy Cummer........what should you eat or drink to acheive this?
I don't see what the attraction is .... as long as they cum ... job done!!