Quote by DeeCee
the point is ... that steve has a habit of playing the bully, but others( me included) can see right through it.
Like a few on here, he has a different view. Some I agree with and some I don't. The forum would be boring without these differing views. Steve, in my opinion, has a thought and puts it in type and will then ask questions about others answers. This applies to Frecklebird, Phuckers, Wunderhorse, and quite a few I could mention. I like the way they do not stick to the norm. They all make me think and look at a topic in a totally different way. Is that bullying? Not in my book, just clarifying answers.
he hides behind his friends and the AUP and basically loves a good row.
I suspect his friends on here would be the first to point out to Steve if he stepped over the mark. And I suspect he would be the first to acknowledge it............well at least Shireen would give him a bash around the head first. Hiding behind the AUP? You can not hide behind it.........you either abide by it and stay or do not abide by it and get a boot.
he hangs on to a time when he was important... but the truth is, he is no-longer important,
Well below the belt and should not be in an adult discussion. It is more suited to the playground
and less attractib=ve to the opposite sex. accordingly he takes it out on his (more virile) competition.
Even more below the belt. Your head should hang in shame for that
if im gonna get banned for speaking my mind.. then so be it.
I hope you don't get a ban, but you should think before insulting people
Just for the record, me and Steve have crossed swords in previous threads. And at one point it became quite heated, but that was with the discussion and not insults. I hope everyone can play happily now and stop building barriers of them and us. There is no them and us, there is only me against the rest of you :twisted: .
As for the advert? I wouldn't have noticed it if it hadn't been pointed out to me. To me it is just another scene in everyday life. I wouldn't bat an eyelid.