I have been lurking for half an hour trying to find somewhere to post my hello. Anyroad here goes I am from Manchester and I do smile I am 55 and a bloke everything else PM me.
Hello folks :D
Quote by smileymanc
I have been lurking for half an hour trying to find somewhere to post my hello. Anyroad here goes I am from Manchester and I do smile I am 55 and a bloke everything else PM me.
Hello folks :D
Quote by JudyTV
Hi and welcome, enjoy your time here on SH.
I'm very new too just like sarge, I am also very shy, very withdrawn and have no social life therefore I am a very lonely soul and looking for someone to ride up on a white charger and take me away from all this. I will settle for someone with a 7 series BMW with cream leather seats.......again, or a white Mercedes convertible with a minimum of a Gold Card and an account at Harvey Nix and Top Shop and buys their food at M&S.
I wish........ :P ....In truth I will probably settle for dinner in "The Village" and a quick shag.
Quote by dambuster
Just thinking, any idea's for an avatar?
Quote by gareth_gruff
Now that IS a goat!! Was looking for images to rival when a search for 'Goat' threw up a picture of Micheal Bolton.... I bid a hasty retreat!!