Hi Scoot. First of all, :welcome: to the Cafe.
You've asked a very good question. Personally, I'd say if these ladies are advertising on a swingers site, then them finding out what you do shouldn't make too much difference as they're doing it too... logicially. Of course, people are individuals and quite capable of being irrational, so you can't always trust to logic like that. And an even scarier thought: it's not unknown for people to come onto swinger's sites and stumble across their mum or dad in the photo ads. :shock:
Calista, KC cat, Roger...
Thanks guys for the welcome.
Yeah, I guess perhaps I know the answer, maybe a little further afield. Hell, Roger...my Mum or Dad, aaaggghhh :shock: LOL. KC dig the cat, is it yours?
Thanks again for warm welcome!
Hiya Scoot and welcome.
We once met a couple who had seen the male's parents on a BDSM site :shock:
Hi Scoot. I know a Scoot in North Somerset so it could well be you. People move around a lot and you never know who you are going to bump into online. I reckon you should sound out potential meets beforehand and get an idea about whether they are worth meeting or not...like Rainbows said...you could come across a real gem on your doorstep.
It pays to be cautious. I came across some one from work on the photo-ads, only realising just seconds away from sending them a note with my pic. In my case, discretion is the better part of valour at my work, so I'll be taking their secret to the grave (or thereabouts).
Anyway, looks like you've already been rumbled (see above). he he.