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Hello, can I interest you in...

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I am new to all of this.
I'm a transvestive male lesbian, looking to engage is some sensual sado-masochistic auto-asphyxiative erotic practices, preferably with a cross-dressing Dominatrix utilising a plastic ground sheet, a wooden spoon and a goat, once every other Tuesday afternoon.
I would like to hope that my potential partner can overlook my disfigurements (I have a normal shaped and sized penis, which would seem to be a disability here)
If you would like to get in touch, then please don't.
I doubt I would actually want anybody who wanted me.
If you think I'm a freak and wouldn't touch me with a 10ft barge pole, then you could be the one for me.
Thank you
p.s. Must be a fan of goat's cheese.
Love the profile kid, please get in touch
Quote by TheAnalogKid
Love the profile kid, please get in touch

Get lost - FREAK!
playing hard to get...
There's a pot noodle in it for you too!
Quote by varca


OMG i sooo want that outfit .. but not the boots if it moves your calf so far from being attached to your legs lol
Sex God
Quote by varca


ohhhh he's suddenly gone quiet lol
give us a curdle, oops cuddle!
I've been busy.... I have had soooo many offers, I cannot believe my good fortune.
So far, I have had the following offers!
"Go fuck yourself"
I assume she wants to watch me play
"Over my dead body"
Not my thing, but I like her kinky side
"Such a twat"
I like a woman who is confident with her body
"You make me want to gag"
Clearly she overestimates my endowment, but I do appreciate the desire
"Fuck Off"
It's not a race, but glad she's in a hurry
"Don't come back"
I'm ok with her not wanting me to ejaculate during anal
This is worthy of a new thread...
Master of Sex
Quote by varca


Wow, there is a God biggrin :D :D :D :D :D