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Hello To All

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Hello, I'm Andy. smile
I did stumble across this website ages ago but never really got involved in any way but today decided to have another look back and get a little braver.
I still have absolutey no experience of the scene itself but the forums here do look like fun so I thought I would brave saying hello to all you people. :)
I think I'll hang quietly back and try to make the odd intelligent comment if I'm capable when I see a chance. biggrin
So as a complete and total newbie please be gentle... redface
Quote by Alexandra
Hello Andy
Welcome to the SH Assylum
I'm sure they will be gentle (lol)
Hugs, Alex x

Thankyou for the welcome. smile
But they will be gentle? Does that mean that you won't? confused
ah just jump in, have a quick look round then duck.
:welcome: to another midlands bod
Hello Andy and :welcome: to swingingheaven smile
Minx x x
Andy shall I deactivate your old posting name then dunno
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Andy shall I deactivate your old posting name then dunno

Well I certainly have no chance of remembering it as it was so long ago I looked at these forums so it's of little use to me. biggrin
Hiya Andy
and another welcome from a fellow midlander, we should soon be-able to form our own posse lol
Try and stay a bit longer this time :lol:
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Hiya Andy
and another welcome from a fellow midlander, we should soon be-able to form our own posse lol
Try and stay a bit longer this time :lol:

I've noticied quite a few people from the midlands. Perhaps it's something in the local water...
As I said, I did find this place what seems like ages ago now and I had a short stay but I never really settled and I never really felt a part of the community here.
But with time I change, people change so I thought I would have another try at making some friends here. smile
Hi Andy and welcome (again) lol :lol:
why did you leave us? please tell us? confused :? :? :? :?
and more importantly - how did you do it????