Hello R and D here, we would like to say a big hello to you all.
After months of browsing this great site and making sure we are both agreed we have decided to take the plunge make our first post.
We are interested in meeting couples/single females/exceptional single males. D 25 bi-curious 5ft 5 size 14/16. R 28 5ft 11 slim 8" straight.
Hi R and D, welcome to the Site....hope you have lots and lots of fun, I know I do.....
R & D well helllooooooo to ya both! and you're VERY :welcome: to the forum i'm sure!
i'm kinda running out of interesting variations on the 'hello' theme, ((( no comments you lot i try me best FGS! ))) but i'm making an exceptional effort here!
I suspect you'll be rather popular!!! :lol2:
((( did anyone else notice the single male thing there. i nearly fell over FFS! )))
in all seriousness ((( hey it's all serious!!! ;-) ))) :welcome: again!!!
neil x x x x
Just another hello from someone you've never heard of!
Oh and have fun