Hi guys and welcome,
We can only answer your question from our experience, which works for us, and that is to write a fairly comprehensive and accurate profile, but most importantly an honest one, showing something of your peronality. Write it as though if you had read it as someone elses, you would be gagging to meet them! Also of course, read the ads, there are bound to be a few that grab your attention with an 'X' factor, then write a personal and honest reply and hope for the best!
As for pressure, you just walk away from it, most genuine people are looking for 'go with the flow' FUN, so are pretty laid back , don't rush into anything, the perfect couple are out there, somewhere!
Of course, all the other advice so far given is spot on too, just thought we would put in our tuppence worth.
Sincerest best wishes,
V and M xx
:welcome: to the nuthouse!
However- give up now. One look through the ad pages and you'll see that everyone is trying to find feet in the swinging scene.
Or at the very least 11.5 inches.