Following Blokes recent conversion to straight(ish)ness, and Meatys desperate attempts to get into my knickers, i've decided to become a man for the week.
Now i do know a rather impressinve amount of men :grin: but being a girl until now i've had very little contact with the inhabitents of planet macho
So, what do i need to do to convert, are 'geezers' (i believe thats the correct phrase ) just extreme boys?
Do i need to lose my hair and grow a beard/goatie to compensate? (ok, i aint got much of a bald spot yet but my pants are good for another 3 days yet!)
Can i get a part on Top Gear? (Mmmmm, cars)
And which is the best 'fashionable' album to get?.
I'm soooooooo confused, this macho lark ain't as easy as it looks (being a girl i'm more used to the washing, thinking before I speak and listening to whats actually being said)
So, any ideas and suggestions to turn me into a macho geezer?
Please help a poor, confused ex lady release his inner man!