Why oh why does the government not step in and help people who cant afford their mortgage and may lose their face it at the end of the day when they are evicted the government will end up a)paying for accomadation for them b)if they can rehouse them all their rent and council tax. Why not step in before it happens give them help with the understanding, if and when they can, it has to be paid back ie should the property be kick people out of their homes just to have the problem of finding them another
Does this mean you are in trouble Elaine?
Thanks for the advice,
It has been ignored.
Where does the OP state she is in trouble?
And here was me thinking it may have been a subject for discussion.
You should change your nic to stuffcpl :shock: :shock:
My point was not that tax payer should bail out everyone who gets into trouble just the fact that we are anyway so why delay the inevitable. And no im one of the lucky ones at the moment my finances are fine.
My point was not that tax payer should bail out everyone who gets into trouble just the fact that we are anyway so why delay the inevitable. And no im one of the lucky ones at the moment my finances are fine.
Elaine, please don't let any banter put you off posting again - it was definitely a thought-provoking subject, and it's great to see new posters coming in! :thumbup:
At some point people are going to have to take responsibility for their own shortcomings. Many people have taken on huge morgages that they can not afford to pay back. As a tax payer I would rather my hard earned cash was spent on education and hospitals etc rather than digging people out of a mess that they got themselves into.
If people loose their homes the council may have a duty to rehouse them, but they may not. It would depend on indevidual circumstances. Even if the council rehoused them it doesn't mean to say they would get their rent and council tax paid either, again that would depend on their personal circumstances.