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Help me not forget

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OK I really need your help.
I am bluddy useless and my dad will vouch for that. He thinks I forget things on purpose, but I really don't. Not even 12 hrs ago he phoned and asked me for a lift at today - well I completely forgot as per bluddy usual and now I feel dreadful. He does so much for me, helps me out all the time, and I can't even remember something so trivial like giving him a lift into town. He's so angry right now, making me feel worse sad
So, what I need is an electronic diary. This is how crap I am you see. I have a normal diary - but I forget to look in it - to tell you the truth, I'm not even sure where it is right now! I bought a wall planner, but it won't stick up properly, so that idea is out. I have knots tied in everything to remind me, but can never remember what they're reminding me of ....... You think I'm kidding, but this is the girl who forgot she had taken her daugther to the pub one day, and left her there in the garden for over an hour, until the landlord phoned up redface ....... The same person who had to give her car keys to the girl she worked with at the start of each shift so I couldn't forget to give her a lift home, like I done the first time surprisedops:
OK, you've got the gist ..... I need something that is dead simple. Preferably also with one of them electronic pens. It's gotta be small enough to carry with me at all times. Carpy said earlier a PDA ( blink ), when he was consoling me about being so forgetful. So what sort of PDA do I need? I have never seen one before. It's gotta be dead simple to use, not loads of buttons I have to press to access the diary - or I won't put things into it imediately, and I really do need imediately lol or I forget dunno
So if there is an idiot proof thing out there that will remind me of things by singing loudly/bouncing around/bashing me on the head can you please let me know what it is and the make.
Thank you biggrin
Oh, and I want this new life changer to be password protected too cool
I often get items like that you are looking for Insurance or other adverts, If you just return the coupon they will offer you a pen, clock and even a small palm held... you don't have to sign up for .I know coz I've got one!! Look out for the ads in the Sunday papers
Good Luck
i got one free in my subscription to time magazine!
it was really usefull and so small it fitted in my pocket.
problem is.. it is soooo small.. i have lost it!
PDAs can be very pricey so unless you really need one for business etc i wouldnt really bother.
Now days most half decent mobiles have a calender section which will beep at you to remind you to do things.
but alas if you can forget to pick up your dad or leave your kid at the pub lol then mayb you will forget where you have put your PDA or mobile.
Maybe try post it notes or write on the back of your hand.
Sorry the mobile is my only decent suggestion.
The trouble with the phone diary is that you have to press about 50 different buttons to access the diary bit. I find it a hassle texting people. Really need something that is easier.
What about something that you can use an electric pen thingy, then if that day in the diary has an entry it will sound an alarm? Is there such a thing that does that? confused
I've got to the point now where I look at this as an investment, I've pissed too many people off by forgetting things - so the cost against my peace of mind is kind of irrelevant - I said kind of lol ...... I don't need it to do allsorts of tricks, just remind me of stuff.
I've just looked up PDAs on google and it's totally baffled me - all this talk of RAMS, MBs, Mhz, GBH, PMT blah blah blah just loses me blink They seem a bit more complicated than I actually need
Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
OK I really need your help.
I am bluddy useless and my dad will vouch for that. He thinks I forget things on purpose, but I really don't.
Oh, and I want this new life changer to be password protected too cool

But Misschief, how would you remember the password?
:shock: smile
Misschief dear, how about using your mobile phones reminder function !? Saves having to carry a pda around with you as well, I know how precious space in your ladies handbags can be :grin:
how about just getting a PA? a male one preferably who will be soooo enamoured of you that he will serve you faithfully for a few scraps from your table.
just a thought!
Microsft Outlook does everything that you are requiring. It can beep at you 30mins (or whatever) before an appointment and it is easy to see if you have entered anything in for that day/week/month.
Now the problem here is that MS outlook is obviously a computer program. With a PDA or something similar you can enter you calendar on either (Computer may be preffered option) and then update the other. The PDA will beep at you if it is on and you will be able to view anything specific quite easily.
Again the problem is that you have to have outlook (this is the easiest and probably the best option) and purchase a PDA. I'm not sure which phones (even the ones with a little keyboard) could help you most.
Failing that. I am available if you are looking for a PA. rolleyes
:lol2: Gilbert (hello btw) yes, the problem arises when I decide to change my password, as I use the same one for everything - there's always loads I forget to change. Had hell of a problem on recenltly, was loads of password changes ago since I had used the site last - think I just re-registered in the end :lol2:
Quote by brumlad
Misschief dear, how about using your mobile phones reminder function !? Saves having to carry a pda around with you as well, I know how precious space in your ladies handbags can be :grin:

OMG the Brumlads back :shock:
Lemme at him, lemme at him :taz: :kick:
Nope, phones are too fiddly to use - I gotta be able to enter dates and times with complete ease, like that's what it's sole purpose is built for. A normal diary works well, but it doesn't have an alarm to tell me I should be doing something.
Anything extra on it will be a bonus, the main thing is the diary bit.
There must be something :undecided:
Ooooh actually WBB, good plan......... Oi Brumlad come ere and serve me :rascal:
Quote by mattmoleman
Microsft Outlook does everything that you are requiring. It can beep at you 30mins (or whatever) before an appointment and it is easy to see if you have entered anything in for that day/week/month.

Matt, I think I love you 69position
So, what do I buy to load this programme on? Is it easy to do? Will it load onto a PDA? Does it need something as elaborate as a PDA to use it on? Where do I buy such a programme? Will it work with one of them electric pen thingys? I just love those pen things, have you noticed cool
Lets cut out the middle man Matt, as my PA (Brumlad :kick: you're fired), you can stop those mean salesmen confusing me with their nonsense and selling me about 8 insurance policies to keep the thing safe :shock:
I have the answer m'lady !
I shall follow you everywhere, armed with a notepad, pen, alarm clock, and cattle prod. Approx half an hour before an appointment, I shall strike m'lady with the afore mentioned cattle prod as a reminder ! :giggle:
Oh, and I haven't forgotten that you still have the sumo pants smackbottom
PDA's and Pocket PC's both have the software already installed. Just called something different.
Here is a nice little that might help you choose something that might be right for you. If you get confused with any terminology there is a glossary page located on the left.
All of these will (should) be compatable with MS Outlook. You can update either quite easily and if you really want to spend a bit of money then I might suggest getting the Pocket PC and some 'Voice Recognition'. You won't need a little pen then!!!!!! Just speak to the little bugger.
As for the pen thingies. Some PDA's have them, pocket PC's have them too.
You could possibly find a good one that will do everything you need on ebay.
If you want a hand actually choosing one then give me a PM and I'll go scouting for you.
Hi Mischief,
Like you I'm bloody useless when it comes to remembering things times places to be in fact everything. Tried loads and loads of different ways of combating it and I think I have succeeded. biggrin
Easiest thing in the world really, I write down everything on a piece of paper and I'm that worried about losing it that I keep a constant check on where Iv put it.
I didnt really think it would work but sub conciously its in the back of my mind that I must not lose this paper at all.
Hate to say it but its worked for two months now my family and the other half cant believe that I dont forget anything anymore.
Also taken to loggin all phone calls to do with utility queries puttin time and date and a basic round up of what was said.
Although this seems to easy to believe it works honest injun I promise and dont cost hardly nowt :D
Hope you manage to sort yourself out as I know what a pain in the neck it can be and embarrassing too..
Sue xx
Wow, thank you for your replies - can't believe that I am not the only one!! The way my friends and family go on you would think that I was unique, and they never forget a thing .... they find it funny that I'm like it (excl. dad) until they are on the receiving end confused then it's guns at dawn :?
Know about the utility bill thing - it got to the point where bailiffs were turning up every month from gas, electric, water etc etc, cos I kept forgetting to pay the bills :shock: - thing is, I just didn't click, even with all that extra money in my account lol
I blamed the electric/gas people tho - keep sending those bluddy sales people round. In the space of a year I had changed company six times :shock: - at one point the company didn't even have time to send me a bill before I was onto the next one - didn't know where I was lol..... Salesmans dream I am, even the Jehovahs witnesses knew me by name - my ex had to answer the door in the end and tell em I wasn't there cos we were buried under leaflets - and I got told off by them each week cos when I lied and said I had read em, I then couldn't answer questions they asked about them.
I have decided to look into Matts idea - the alarm sounding off is what I need. I did carry a diary round religiously for a coupe of months at the beginning of the year. Like you sue, everyone was pretty amazed ...... then I made the mistake of thinking I was 'cured' and here I am back to square 1 rolleyes
Oops, bit of a ramble there, sorry - if I spent less time waffling on about how crap I am and more time correcting it, I might just get somewhere :lol2:
Right, off to the school fete now .............. will have to get the PDA another time redface
Aw, Misschief hunny, i dont think you're crap!! Dont put yourself down!! kiss
Depending on whether you mind looking like an idiot or not................Post It Notes stuck on yourself :shock:
It works for me because even if I forget, other people look at them and say things like, aren't you supposed to be at such and such about now, or have you sorted that bill?
Downside is you do look like Paddington Bear lol
Quote by tim-jas
Downside is you do look like Paddington Bear lol

awww jas, you could never look like paddington bear... but if i DID ever find you at a station.. i would be sure to take you home!
Quote by well_busty_babe

Downside is you do look like Paddington Bear lol

awww jas, you could never look like paddington bear... but if i DID ever find you at a station.. i would be sure to take you home!
Right what's the nearest station to you :twisted:
Tim pack me a bag, I have to make an urgent train journey to make.
Nokia produce a mobile phone come PDA called the 9210 Communicator. It's pricey but you can pick it up on eBay for about half price (£100 - £175 ish).
This has full blown diary etc and it talks to your PC just by plugging it in so you can sychronise it with Outlook.
Unfortunately it does have lots of buttons but a friend of mine, who's not very computer literate, has worked out how to use it all by himself.
I got one of these things with a computer magazine (nerdy i know), but have never used it as I don`t know how to. If you want it, it`s yours, free, just let me know. A nd by the way i have a friend who once left her child in the supermarket after she had finished shopping and had to be rang up by the manager, so I do sympathise.
Hiya MissChief,
I have much the same problem as you - which Kit will testify to. I have diaries - paper and electronic - coming out of my ears - and I still cannot remember to update them.
It is the bothering to write it down that gets me.
However, I was introduced to a new solution over the weekend - a little digital dictaphone, with a calendar/organiser built in. It is about the size of a chunky marker pen and has a little pen clip for hanging on your clothes. Carry it round with you all the time, and when you need to set yourself a reminder, switch it on and record.
I am waiting to be sent the details so that I can price it and will pass the details on to you.
Kat, I would be v. interested to know more details on this little gadget. If you get a quote can you let me know biggrin
Quote by KitKat
a little digital dictaphone, with a calendar/organiser built in. It is about the size of a chunky marker pen and has a little pen clip for hanging on your clothes. Carry it round with you all the time, and when you need to set yourself a reminder, switch it on and record.

With a vibrate facility too? :twisted: Oh what a wonderful way to be reminded of things cool Put me down for 2 wink
I've now been bidding frantically on ebay for a PDA, not a super dooper one, just bog standard I think ......... Keep getting blummin outbid tho evil ..... The latest effort is due to run out tomorrow. Aparently with this thing you can use the graffiti facility to jot down your notes, it then times, dates and files it! Only problem is that I might jot something down that I don't need to remember for a couple of months, then something I need to remember in about 2 mins time ..... but that will get filed behind the 2 mth thing confused
All a bit complicated, but v. optimistic my life is about to change :mrgreen: ......... Dad prepare to be amazed :smug: I am still in the doghouse with him, he even phoned my brother up to tell him I forgot to pick him up :? - bit of a shame really, cos I was thriving on bro being the baddy cos he emptied all dads spanners out the case and borrowed em - so when he came to do 'man work' on my car he was spannerless .............
oops, wandering off topic again there redface
Thanks again :D
Just a little update on my plight. I am waiting for my PDA to arrive any day - but this afternoon
I remembered something!!!!!!!!
I remembered to go to the pictures as promised to the kids, to see Shrek 2
Sadly I was a month early as it doesn't open until July - but Hey, I remembered to take them, like I said I would do at the beginning of the week!
And I forgot all about this - I will ring my sister tomorrow and find out what the model number is of the gizmo she has. rolleyes